Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] the same way as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , let's just say that it 's crossed your mind that maybe , maybe if you stay long enough in this place it 'll get to you in the same way as it got to me .
2 It shocked me in the same way as Room at the Top shocked me when I read it last year .
3 Professor Akio Sasaki and Assistant Professor Shigeo Fujita claim that their ‘ multifunctional optical element device ’ can amplify light signals , store them in the same way as a conventional computer stores electric signals , and channel the flow of rays in one direction by absorbing random reflected light .
4 For most of my time in the House , I have been dissatisfied with them in the same way as I was dissatisfied with private Bills .
5 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
6 The child who is abused or belittled will often , when an adult , seek out others who will treat him in the same way as this fits in with his inner image of himself .
7 She said that because he was a volunteer she felt she could not call on him in the same way as with a paid worker .
8 She heard the sound of the sea , the cry of the gulls and then her own cry , as he made love to her in the same way as he had done long ago at the Angel Inn .
9 He addressed her in the same way as he had her mistress , with the deference due to age .
10 Look on it in the same way as the treads on your bike or car tyres .
11 Treat it in the same way as black spot , with particular attention to clearing up fallen leaves on to the fire .
12 Lay the curtain out flat with the interlining uppermost and apply the hemmed lining to it in the same way as for Lined Curtains , but lockstitching along the same lines as the interlining and along all seams .
13 The Capital Plan for next year appears to treat it in the same way as capital receipts from sales , with the total being pooled and divided between the various programmes .
14 Schools may , and often do , challenge society , but they can not avoid also reflecting it in the same way as revolutionaries normally rebel only against some of the characteristics of a society — others they have internalized too deeply .
15 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
16 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
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