Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] the [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm what , what was the feeling that came over to you from the tenants ' group at the time ?
2 We felt so sorry for you at the shareholders ' meeting .
3 Robin Smith 's power play against India at Perth ( Week 1 ) and the demolition job England did on Pakistan at Adelaide ( Week 2 ) put them into the favourites ' spot at the same time as Australia absorbed one stunning setback after another , alleviated only by the thrilling one-run victory over India at Brisbane .
4 She took me into the nurses ' changing-room .
5 Where are we after the Kids ' County you know what you rang up for in the first place ?
6 From a perspective in anthropology where social systems were all equally valid , I teased her about cultural police rigidities which caused this rejection of the alternative views she was being asked to examine , to the point where she refused to lunch with me in the Students ' Union , because , ‘ you 're one of those bloody communists I have to listen to ’ .
7 I talked to them in the Friends ' Meeting House on a dark and stormy summer night .
8 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
9 Perhaps he kept such books at Castle Street , or read them in the Advocates ' Library .
10 The masks , however , were specially constructed — made from heavy-duty , vulcanised rubber and fitted by stretching them over the actors ' heads so that they clamped underneath the nose and at the back of the crown .
11 They also deny taking nude photographs of the girls , now aged eight , six and four , while they themselves were naked , and showing them to the girls ' mother .
12 The two men , who had escaped from a coach taking them to the magistrates ' court in Reading , were taken to hospital to have their broken arms set in plaster .
13 All you would have to do would be to lead them to the smugglers ' rendezvous and supervise the action . ’
14 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
15 This one and the next , Chalk Farm , were tiled in white and buff , reminding her of the servants ' bathrooms at Temple Stephen .
16 The driver of the truck sent to meet Charles and his baggage at the railhead south of Arras , had told him that Lord Christopher — Charles did n't ask the surname — was waiting for him in the Officers ' Mess of 2nd Grenadiers .
17 He judged Asquith 's sense of probity correctly-meeting him in the Travellers ' Club later , the Liberal leader said ‘ You have done quite right . ’
18 She could not avoid her in the nurses ' home dining-room that night , however .
19 That , and trying to recruit him to the parents ' Association committee ( which was almost the same thing , as the most active women members were divorcees ) .
20 He received Mark in the central lobby and took him to the Members ' tea room for a chat over a pot of tea .
21 His talents , his wealth , and the changing times raised him to the court of assistants of the Levant Company from 1644 to 1648 , and in 1645 Parliament appointed him to the Goldsmiths ' Hall committee , through which Royalists redeemed their sequestrated estates by paying compositions .
22 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
23 Then a young woman — dark , quite a looker if you liked that sort of thing but a bit too full of herself for Bennett 's liking — walked into the club and announced that she was the dinner guest of Sir Robin Day , he could only treat her to his coldly disapproving smile and direct her to the ladies ' bar .
24 She followed her to the ladies ' washroom .
25 Grumbling , Tracey followed her to the non-smokers ' seats .
26 He tells me to meet him at the magistrates ' court the following morning , tells me to keep away from the scumbags .
27 Erm , no yo I 've , er I 've asked him at the parents ' evening what he expected us to do for economics , right ?
28 Her mother had telephoned her at the nurses ' home where she had been living and had asked her if she could come home .
29 Their response to the Lord Chancellor 's green papers , sent to him by the Judges ' Council , broke a long-standing convention that the judges made no comment as a group on proposed changes in the law .
30 If a collector had acquired the ancient cross , Wartski 's experts might have heard of it through the dealers ' grapevine .
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