Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] the first [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to me for the first time that he might not know whether or not I 'd lost the baby .
2 It hit me for the first time that the bands and comedians were going to be performing here for free , for John , for us .
3 When my feeble protests were ignored back there it hit me for the first time that I was n't a civilian any more .
4 Well that 's what everybody sings to me when them and they meet me for the first time or get introduced to me .
5 Nigel turned his head to look at me for the first time and smiled in a kindly manner .
6 Thus , in the context of consensual sexual activity with a girl under the age of 16 , it states : ‘ Most of us think that acts such as oral sex are extremely serious ( perhaps more likely to disturb a young girl meeting them for the first time than sexual intercourse ) . ’
7 ‘ Millions of people travel to the region every year many of them for the first time and we want to make sure that the lasting impression they take with them is a good one . ’
8 How certain are you in the first place that it 's a scentmaker ? ’
9 He did n't , he did n't wan na go out you , you in the first place and he just did n't bother to tell , tell anybody
10 We rattled them from the first minute and did n't give them any breathing space .
11 If nobody damn well tells them in the first place that they can opt out then they ca n't opt out can they ?
12 We all like ‘ to do right ’ by our horses and this often involves the over-feeding of supplements , either because the horse does n't need them in the first place or because we tend to think ‘ a little bit extra will do him even more good ’ .
13 David does n't want them in the first place and he wo n't argue , I 've discussed it with Robin he wo n't argue , erm Richard who 's the only one that could really be regarded as a loser dare n't argue 'cos it 's his report that recommends we they come back to us , and John wo n't understand the item so I think we 're alright there .
14 Erm y'know even if it takes them quite a while to fill out y'know go through all eighty items y'know which could be erm y'know kind of , well depending how quickly they work y'know , sort of half an hour or something but if you if you get some er er a sort of type-written draft run off um I du n no , next Tuesday 's quite a quite a short deadline but maybe the Tuesday after that er we can try them on the first years if you like ?
15 Teachers would come up smiling — not having spoken to me since the first year and now I was a sixth former .
16 She turned to look into Gazzer 's face , concentrating her attention on him for the first time since he had climbed up to sit beside her in the sand dunes .
17 Val left him for the first time since they had set up house , and went briefly ‘ home ’ .
18 ‘ Please , ’ she replied softly then looked at him for the first time since he had sat down .
19 It occurred to him for the first time that Celia would be a bad enemy , just as she was a good friend .
20 It came home to him for the first time that what had seemed to him a trivial event , a stupid joke , was something genuinely much bigger to Andrus .
21 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
22 I could then have pretended to notice him for the first time and have engaged him in conversation in an impromptu manner .
23 It was then that she really saw him for the first time and the blood began to sing in her ears .
24 When she said this she looked full at him for the first time and ill though she seemed he saw in her eyes the full pride and command of an eagle .
25 It dawned on her for the first time that perhaps the other woman had married for money .
26 The unremitting contempt had become unendurable , although it occurred to her for the first time that Luke might actually resent her .
27 It occurred to her for the first time that there were a couple of curious anomalies in her childhood .
28 It occurred to her for the first time that there was no sign of a car , apart from her own .
29 He looked at her for the first time and saw the tears on her cheeks that were glistening in the starlight .
30 She was just cursing herself for not having had the courage to go straight over to him in the first place when he appeared again , a little further down .
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