Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [art] [num ord] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like you to tell me about the first time you were really aware of these symptoms , then the worst episode you can remember , and then the last … .
2 SEEING THE ARTICLE on the ‘ 109 in the July issue of FlyPast reminded me of the first time I saw it .
3 ‘ Did n't you guess , my beautiful idiot , that I 've been crazy about you from the first time I saw you standing outside your hotel bedroom in France ? ’
4 met him for the first time I think and erm
5 It reminded her of the first time she 'd seen him .
6 With Keith , I fell head over heels in love with him from the first time we met , and I 'd only been going out with him two weeks and he asked me to get engaged .
7 Well I saw it in the last time it was in here on Central and it was n't , it did n't come on !
8 But nobody , how long is it since the last time we showed them in ?
9 If I do n't pass it at the third time I 'm just gon na give up cos I 'm not failing more
10 So before we separated he gave me a working title for a song , and told me he wanted me to finish it by the next time he saw me .
11 In the closing days of that year she could only hope and pray that whoever was responsible for Liza 's unnatural behaviour would have helped to improve it by the next time she saw her .
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