Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] your [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I passed your dad on the crossing the other day .
2 I got your card by the way , oh I said that already .
3 I found your issue on the Palestine/Israel question fascinating ( NI 199 ) but I 'm not sure I agree with your proposed two-state solution .
4 ‘ You must set them free before I send your brothers to the plane . ’
5 And to all of you who 've written moaning about storms in a teacup , claiming that the mouthings of a mere pop star can have no impact on the real world , may I direct your attention to the letter below .
6 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
7 ‘ And how will you repair your boat , Breakspear , or even take her away , if I put your name on the Stop List ?
8 Point of order , Madam Speaker I seek your ruling on the fact that the Secretary of State for health has declined to make a statement to the house on the increase of fifty P in prescription charges .
9 I received your account after the meeting on 29th April and the normal interval between our Parish Council meetings is six weeks .
10 It 's funny , when I read your notice in the magazine , I turned the page and I thought , wait a minute , I 'm a teenage mother .
11 I read your file on the plane .
12 I read your article in the last issue , ’ Evelyn said .
13 I READ your reply to the £10 letter re medical treatment or the proposed determent of it by some doctors , and I was completely astounded by the lack of logic in the statement ‘ have helped themselves to get there . ’
14 I accept your reasons for the visit and interview you afforded Lewis Group , but one must admit that the end result has been an indirect advertisement for the Lewis Group of companies which does not necessarily imply a ‘ consideration ’ for services rendered or anything similar .
15 I hear your voice on the line but it does not help the pain . ’
16 I draw your attention to the plan at appendix five of my statement .
17 In my view this book would deprave and corrupt young children and I draw your attention in the sincere hope that you will find it possible to take action against the publishers .
18 I heard your name for the first time .
19 Will I take your jug to the howff , Angus ? ’
20 Your last letter made me laugh — I loved your description of the village dancing classes at threepence a time — though it must be horrid taking their pennies .
21 Er , can I , can I have your agreement for the recommendation then ?
22 Can I have your agreement to the up-dated amendment please ?
23 Can I cut your head off the next time ?
24 Can I cut your head off the next time ?
25 Again , on 5 June 1286 , Edward performed homage to Philip IV of France , using the words : ‘ I become your man for the lands which I hold from you on this side of the sea according to the form of peace made between our ancestors ’ .
26 ‘ When I was a boy I knew your part of the country very well , ’ he said .
27 I saw your name on the front page . ’
28 I saw your name in the ledger , so do n't deny it . ’
29 I saw your name in the programme .
30 I saw your sister at the funeral , ’ I said .
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