Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] my [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 My fingers are froze , so I warm my hands on the cup for a bit before I try drinking .
2 I trained my binoculars on the reeds closest to the hide ; an up-and-down bobbing movement had caught my eye .
3 I tap my fingers on the table and look at McDunn 's cigarette packet , hoping he 'll get the hint .
4 I put my things on the straw mattress .
5 While I put my purchases on the sliding counter he kept patting the inside of my thigh until it drove me to desperation .
6 ‘ I think it 's time I put my cards on the table .
7 As he cleared off to lick his wounds in Canada he spoke of his displeasure — ‘ by trusting AIP ( Corman 's parent company ) to make a beautiful flick , I put my balls on the table and they got lobbed right off . ’
8 I drummed my fingers on the desktop .
9 Without thinking , I brace my hands on the window and push back hard , but Frank is very big , very soft , and seems not to feel me .
10 I rubbed my hands on the rough blue of my trousers .
11 He heard Amaranth say , ‘ If I lay my hands on the plans , David , I wo n't let you have them .
12 As ever , Mary made sure I kept my feet on the ground .
13 An all-nighter was a triumph of will and my eyelids were already dropping , but I kept my eyes on the thin figure .
14 I kept my eyes on the dressing as Mrs Scutt produced photos .
15 I kept my eyes on the screen .
16 I kept my eyes on the screen .
17 And the , and then another person asked , so what I did I put my leaflets on the wall
18 I drowned my sorrows on the school goalposts , as football was banned .
19 I had my feet on the ground as the echoes came back .
20 The player said : ‘ I had my hands on the ball all the time .
21 I stamped my feet on the cobbles as a sign that I was freezing .
22 Similarly , when she catches me watering my plants on the balcony we share , she says , ‘ Shame you have n't got a patch to muck about in . ’
23 ‘ Kathie and Laura have helped me to keep my feet on the ground , ’ says John .
24 But they keep my feet on the ground — they do n't treat me any differently .
25 ‘ Let me put my cards on the table , Stevens .
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