Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] been [v-ing] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 I must have known that those were the very advantages I had been denying myself in denying myself food .
2 I 've been filling it in in pencil .
3 so I 've been putting them in the washing machine so maybe
4 All these months while I 've been writing these letters for her , I 've been putting myself in her place , feeling all the love she feels , remembering things that I never really knew about in the first place .
5 I thought you 'd been putting something in my tea for years .
6 Except for it 's dead hot still if you 're not careful , if you 've been cooking it in the over or something
7 ‘ Speaking crossly and rudely although Carrie had only been stewing indoors because she had been helping him in the shop !
8 Lindsey knew she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain indifferent .
9 While we had been lording it in the Solent , Alert had been making a name for herself in Shetland as a stand in for Venturous .
10 We have been paying them in England since 21 February and virtually a third of claims have been met .
11 I 'm getting paranoid about that , determined not to sign anything , worried that maybe I already have when they first brought me here and said it was just a receipt for personal effects or a legal-aid application or whatever , and I worry about them getting me to sign something when I 'm tired and they 've been interviewing me in shifts and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and they say oh do us all a favour and sign this and you can sleep , come on now ; it 's just a formality you can always deny it later , change your mind , but you ca n't you ca n't of course , they 're lying and you ca n't ; I even worry about signing something in my sleep , or them hypnotising me and getting me to do it that way ; hell , I do n't know what they get up to .
12 The stuff they 've been giving me in the ward was like a milk soup .
13 Mr Jones is well known in many parishes of the diocese , as he has been visiting them in helping to organise their planned giving schemes .
14 Anyway , you know , I 'd been er , it has been staring me in the face for so often .
15 Another thing , perhaps , we should notice right at the very beginning is that Jesus did n't actually speak in pa , in in er , in chapters , and they 've lost , they 've been put in for our convenience , and chapter fifteen is not the beginning of a new incident Jesus had already been speaking to the people , he had been teaching them in chapter fourteen .
16 ( He had been watching her in the shaman 's lodge earlier !
17 It 's been staring me in the face . ’
18 It 's been staring me in the face , ’ Carlson continued .
19 It 's been staring us in the face all this time .
20 He 's been interesting himself in the new C.O. , Brenda Pridmore .
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