Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] been [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I also remember proudly coming home to tell Dad I 'd been made head prefect of my grammar school .
2 It was called in 1974 , just after I had been appointed Chief Inspector of Accidents .
3 The other was a notification from the Foreign Office that I had been appointed Honorary Attache to HRH the Duke of Gloucester who would attend the coronation as the representative of his father , King George V.
4 But she has been given special dispensation to play in two events in her home state before that birthday .
5 She has been granted legal aid to pursue an action in the Court of Session against Lothian Regional Council .
6 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
7 She had been named regional marketing services manager and expected the job to be confirmed .
8 Perhaps Ruth had done something especially stunning , as when she had been made chief maid of honour to the school 's May Queen .
9 You have been granted special access to the module by the owner or manager of the module OR
10 Now she 's been made Head Girl ; the first in 450 years .
11 Miss Fergusson had maintained , when they first stood before the haloed mountain , that there were two explanations of everything , that each required the exercise of faith , and that we had been given free will in order that we might choose between them .
12 But since then we have been given additional help with the cleaning , but the same hours .
13 That is why we have been given free will , in order that we may choose the correct one .
14 The problems er that face me accommodation have been overcome with the assistance of the Chairman and the Town Clerk ah and we have been offered additional accommodation here in the Council offices , which is most welcome .
15 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
16 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
17 They say they 've been promised full consultation with the college 's governing body before a final decisionis made — and so far that has n't happened .
18 There could hardly be a more serious accusation than these particular killings and they had been given renewed publicity by the secretary of state 's broadcast of only four weeks earlier .
19 He said that even though they had been given advance warning of Sam 's health problems during a scan three months before he was born , nothing prepared them for the shock .
20 They had been given special permission to land there , only a short distance from the state fairgrounds at Del Mar , where the 13th final will be held this weekend .
21 Two groups of patients were studied : one who had had coronary angiography because they had been given thrombolytic therapy for coronary disease , and another who had had coronary angiography due to chronic stable angina ( Figure 3 ) .
22 Permission to offer switched services is unlikely to be denied , but the resale of International Virtual Network services will present more problems , as US carriers feel that they have been denied reciprocal access to the UK , where interconnect , access-deficit and leased line charges are higher than in the US .
23 They have been promised permanent showing : they have been given carefully considered hanging , and in some cases have chosen the position themselves ; their works are set off with surprising poise by the predominantly green and white college buildings and gardens , a complex severe and playful at once , severe in its geometry and playful in its romanesque quotations .
24 He has been granted legal aid for the case , which if successful could lead to hundreds of other claims .
25 Sometimes , however , a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change .
26 Gardiner , the Observer 's architectural critic , knew Epstein , Lady Epstein and their family from the early Fifties and this biography is authorised in that he has been given unprecedented access to family papers , including letters between the artist and Kathleen Garman .
27 Recently , however , it has been given added emphasis and urgency by the growing appreciation that the damage being done to the environment by the use of fossil fuels may require drastic restrictions on their use .
28 An environmental statement was required from the company it has been given full publicity I believe that the Planning Committee and County Planning Committee today have sufficient information to come to a decision an informed decision .
29 As an estimated 5.5 million Jaguar shares changed hands , Ford confirmed that it had been granted early approval by US regulatory authorities to begin building its stake , immediately prompting speculation that it had entered the market .
30 Since 1914 , it had been fortified high ground from which the Germans could overlook and bombard British positions .
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