Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] them [prep] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I judge them by their racial characteristics .
2 If any of our political masters , the faceless bureaucrats , the time-serving , vote-chasing , career politicians who sanctioned this devastation , ever read these lines , then I curse them for their crass stupidity and their wanton rape of my native land .
3 ‘ Oh , no , I like them in their proper places .
4 I have a pair of brown suede brogues that are really worn and I prefer them in their frazzled state !
5 We have enjoyed the loyal and industrious support of our employees throughout and I thank them for their individual contributions to the year 's achievements . ’
6 His screams were so terrible that none who ever heard them forgot them till their dying day .
7 Are you using them to their best advantage ?
8 ‘ You take men from their homes or their chosen occupations , you confine them in insalubrious conditions upon a wholly inadequate diet , you subject them to the tyranny of bosun 's mates , you expose them to unimagined perils ; what is more , you defraud them of their meagre food , pay and allowances — everything but this sacred rum of yours .
9 ‘ Not if we challenge them in their own sphere . ’
10 We invite you to join us as we join them in their endless search for peace .
11 Hincmar puts in a significant phrase when he says that the minores who " confirmed " assembly-decisions did so " not because they were forced to do so , but because they understood them in their own minds and agreed with them " .
12 There is no one right way to behave , but it is clear that teenagers suffer when parents overprotect , as well as when they leave them to their own devices and appear not to care .
13 Not only was it their first victory since early December but it moved them above their vanquished opponents at the foot of the table .
14 Ben and his young friends had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of the other archers , so they were not too pleased when he beat them at their own game .
15 But Lord Justice MacDermott did not impose any conditions when he released them on their own bail of £100 .
16 Their disruptive behaviour was proving a headache to Mr Jones until he discovered the elephants could be kept at bay if he fed them with their favourite fruit pears .
17 Now er the Buckingham manager , Phil Lines was manager of Brackley and er apparently , as you 've told me in the past , he guided them to their best ever season .
18 Yet the citizens clung to their traditional way of life out of custom and love of their cities ; and for the very practical advantage it gave them in their favourite pastime of warfare against their neighbours .
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