Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] them [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not numerically dys dyslexic by the way , I put them in that order for , for a reason .
2 I give them to that solicitor that , I were talking to .
3 I was just reaching out to get the bottle — I keep them on that sideboard just behind me chair — when I heard this noise … . ’
4 Sid helped me carry them to that table ready for serving .
5 Oh I used to love sally loaves and you cut them off that way
6 You get them round that way , and eventually you ask them about themselves , and you get round to it .
7 What can choose choice oh you do them from that paper you mean .
8 Yes , I mean we 're not in the position to do what some of the , certainly I know some of the banks do , which is to guarantee a job after five years , let people have five years , you know , the maternity leave plus a guaranteed job at the end of another four when the kids start school , on the proviso that you can call them in if you need them within that period , for a bit of extra help .
9 and we put them onto that area
10 Why ca n't we leave them in that water ?
11 All stories were to be based on scientific and historical facts as we knew them at that time .
12 ‘ I 'll make them doubles , we need them after that weather out there . ’
13 I have no quarrel with that , provided he sets them in that order .
14 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
15 This was telling them — trying to bolster their morale — that we were coming to their aid when it was virtually impossible for us to aid them at that time .
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