Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] them [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I used them on many rainy days , and never once suffered from wet feet .
2 The Muslim Palestinian defenders of Beaufort were ignorant of all this , sitting around the walls in silence when I told them of this historical the old tale of fear , treachery and pain .
3 ‘ I had to coax two into it because they are not very experienced cook , but I chose them for that very reason , ’ he says .
4 He is the kind of person you want to beat because you hold them in such high regard . ’
5 D' you want to look at whether you put them in any particular order ?
6 She was familiar enough with the garden by this time to return in only a few minutes with sheafs of colourful tropical blooms , and she arranged them in two big vases to make riotously informal bunches of colour that lacked classical form but would , she hoped , be pleasing to Faye 's artistic eye .
7 As Philippa disentangled herself she heard them on some well-worn tale .
8 Somehow , and from somewhere , a beautiful young woman appeared — this was no imagined vision — and she took them to some hot springs where they all ended up naked .
9 ‘ Why did n't you tell them about that ghastly couple — Grimwood and Steve ?
10 Many of our people sickened and died , and we buried them in this strange land .
11 Most horses can be highly motivated to do what we want if we reward them with some favourite food .
12 We divide them into two main kinds , exploratory and expressive .
13 Not er like they bring them in these cardboard boxes you know , wooden boxes .
14 and the Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny and the popcorn , you go and get your popcorn dish out of thing , show Alex how much popcorn we bought , I mean you go up there and it 's not like it used to be years ago a little bale of popcorn they sell them in huge great big cartons up there
15 They make them in bloody big batches now
16 In this way she can judge when some children are ready to join a group game , enabling her to present them with some small problem that will help to lead them one step further in their mathematical thinking .
17 Since its 720- hour engines were time-expired , they replaced them with two low-time 200-hour ex-Belgian powerplants found in the USA .
18 No confusion was found when they tested them against 200 different isolates of the same , but genetically unmodified , bacterium taken from lake water .
19 ‘ What are they looking for ? ’ he asked them without any preliminary greeting .
20 Even when he scolded them for some minor wrongdoing , he would cite the great orators like Cicero or Burke , as if he was taking part in a parliamentary debate , instead of addressing two small boys .
21 When he divorced a wife he would set her up in a house of her own with her children ; and as his twenty-seven sons came to maturity he directed them into various different occupations , to ensure a spread of enterprise which would be useful to all of them .
22 He advises them on obscure medieval manuscripts , on 19th-century poetesses of Accrington , on King Arthur , on archaeology , on the cult of the saints , all with equal facility and depth of knowledge .
23 There is a suggestion too that poor readers are deficient in an internal articulatory code ( Briggs and Underwood , 1987 ) , and that this is in itself a source of difficulty insofar as it deprives them of one lexical route — that is , one way of identifying what words mean .
24 Edward looked delighted to see them and , after supplying them with drinks , he introduced them to several other guests .
25 It pull them in dire financial straits .
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