Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] her [noun sg] for a " in BNC.

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1 I received a straightforward message recently when I telephoned her flat for a chat : ‘ Elizabeth says she 's busy . ’
2 ‘ She spent Christmas with me and my wife Pam and I took her dog for a walk . ’
3 She asked her aunt for a little money , for the first time , shuffling her feet and keeping her eyes shyly down .
4 She cracked her face for a while .
5 She rested her head for a moment against his shoulder and then sat up straight , conscious that she must not ruffle her carefully coiffured hair .
6 Nicandra burst into tears and , as she opened her mouth for a bellow , the stored spinach and saliva shot out , into her plate , on to the tablecloth , a horrid defilement .
7 After the Anglo-French reconciliation of 1303 , Edward wrote to Marie of France thanking her for her letters in which she expressed her desire for a meeting and conversation between him and her stepson , Philip the Fair .
8 She lost her breath for a moment .
9 A T E , A T R at the university and just , the block , the side of the university , she had her apartment for a little time .
10 But Pope , now and then at least , deserted his couplets for stanzas with another movement , and so does she ; and when she does her instinct for a completeness of design is notable .
11 She sipped her brandy for a moment , then touched her lips with a little salt water …
12 She patted him on the shoulder and he drove off as she plumbed her bag for a ring of keys which would n't have looked out of place at Balmoral .
13 She held her breath for a moment and then the tears and the breath burst out of her at the same time .
14 After a while , sitting in the car , we saw her stand for a few minutes first on one of the Howes , then on another , still and with arms raised .
15 Dolly hopped back to the bedroom just in time , for a moment later up came Linda and Ella to say that as Sergeant Joe was out , their mum had asked them to keep her company for a bit .
16 The pain had made her lose her breath for a few seconds .
17 Even when Hugh Russell 's attitude towards her had begun to change it had never occurred to her to doubt her parentage for a moment .
18 He squeezed her hand for a moment and then let it go .
19 He held her gaze for a couple of seconds , then dropped his own .
20 He held her gaze for a moment in an optical half-nelson .
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