Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] the same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I got the same overpowering sense of mortality when I went to my old school reunion last week .
2 I found the same classificatory system in use with the same unconscious linguistic divisions being applied as I had learned in the mid-1950s .
3 Giving out eve-of-poll leaflets at the tube station , I get the same subliminal message as from the past few nights ' TV : increasingly confident Tories , and puzzled , frustrated socialists .
4 It was misty , and there was not a soul in sight , and I had the same eerie feeling which came over me sometimes in other parts of the village .
5 I take the same two-hour bus and tram ride for the same old peck on the cheek .
6 Eventually I reach the same old compromise .
7 I have the same black hair , the same dark eyes as all the other people here .
8 Although I recognized the same black fire in his eyes , the farm boy had become a gentleman .
9 After all , you make the same unrealistic demands on me sometimes , and I 'm not perfect either — only I 've never confronted you with the unreasonableness of it all . ’
10 You found the same collegial spirit , with its masonic taciturnity and instinctive discretion , the same camaraderie and grit , the same alcohol reliance .
11 She found the same curvilinear decoration in several other pieces , and delighted him by picking them out without hesitation from the precise and formal Roman artifacts round them .
12 Unknown to them , she had been one of Tiller 's favourite leading ladies around 1906 , but when the work offers stopped she faced the same bleak future confronting all dancers who feel too old to dance .
13 She wore the same red berries .
14 In the meantime , she wore the same old rags week after week , lived in poverty and was ‘ faithful ’ to her ex-lover .
15 But she died the same merciless death at the remote nature reserve on the Indian Ocean , 220 miles north of Durban — repeatedly stabbed and hacked to pieces .
16 In dealing with children she follows the same general rules as she would use in dealing with their parents …
17 She had long brown hair and she too was fairly heavily built ; she had the same childlike face , which on her was pretty .
18 She had the same tall grace and was equally good looking in a gentler way with great soulful eyes .
19 She had the same kindly look as Aunt Sarah .
20 She had the same smouldering eyes and pouting lips , the same tiny waist and big swelling breasts .
21 In temperament , though not in looks , she reminded Athelstan of Benedicta ; she had the same quiet composure and he had glimpsed the steely look in her eyes .
22 ‘ It just struck me , you and she have the same long eye-lashes , silky long , and so has Michel .
23 The little kind were very much like pygmy chimps , — she stumbled over the word pygmy , then quickly added , ‘ You know , Pan paniscus , ’ and she flashed the same toothy grin of triumph that pronouncing ‘ magician ’ had evoked .
24 You have the same wonderful face , but where is the kind and gentle boy who sat for my portrait ?
25 ‘ You , Fernando Serra , are either lying through your teeth , putting on a brave face or you have the same loose sort of arrangement with your mistress as you accused me of having with Steve . ’
26 We used the same old path , and I was amazed to realise that without knowing it I had been hurrying my children along and constantly looking over my shoulder .
27 I would not for a moment propose we face the same immediate peril confronting the world in the early 1940s .
28 I do not know which gramophone company the Secretary of State works for , Mr. Speaker , but we hear the same old gramophone record every time he comes to the Dispatch Box .
29 Oh well , well er most of us are b even , even the Tories themselves know , they know that we 're fighting for the old people , but do they we get the same old reply from them , where is the money coming ?
30 We find the same clear strokes in the imitative response of the basses .
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