Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I began to realise that life like this could not last for ever and so I asked to go back to the Cheshire Home for a holiday .
2 If you put down the example I I actually marked the example but then I realized going back through the book that obviously the example was given for you there anyway .
3 Next summer mum was told she would have to go back into hospital for a long time , and because I already knew the place , I agreed to go back to the Cheshire Home for this period .
4 The door was open and I did hear that much when I passed to go in to the ladies ' toilet .
5 When the doctor had gone , Dot said , ‘ I got to go back in the hospital , ai n't I , Mrs H ? ’
6 I hate going out in the carriage , ’ I said quickly .
7 ‘ You must excuse me — I promised to go along to the tennis courts .
8 now if I want to go down to the sea front well I 'll shall get a taxi and , and sha n't be worrying where me next meals coming from because I 've saved it , so , so that 's , that 's no worry , I was saying to Arthur if we went to Butlins well it would take all we had , because it , we could n't go to Butlins under three hundred pounds for two of us , we could n't go anywhere else , if we go to Blackpool , our , our said to , to , to dad , I , I would like to pop to , er I do n't think we will do because , er , the hassle for your dad , but er , I 'd like to go and see aunty Annie , but I do n't want to go to Nelson to do it
9 After the elections I want to go back to the Institute of Forecasting .
10 And to understand that change I want to go back to the beginning and just to trace what has happened to the Chinese Communist Party since it was formed in nineteen twenty one when it had a mere I hope everybody can see that , it 's not very large today and I do n't think I can any better than that In nineteen twenty one when it was first founded , it had a mere fifty seven members and it did n't grow very much for a number of years .
11 ‘ I think I want to go back to the house for a while , ’ she said at last in a careful tone .
12 how much was n't held until after I 'd gone up for the money for Matthew 's back .
13 I 'd gone across to the old folks ' home to have a chat with Maureen and , inevitably , I was telling her about the trouble I was having .
14 If only I 'd gone along with the doctor 's proposals , it would have been over by now — completely and painlessly over , and any feelings of guilt I might have had as a result I would surely have dealt with ages ago .
15 I 'd gone out on the boat
16 I put going down to the English Centre and using the computer
17 ‘ When I do go out somewhere special I like to go completely over the top in the glamour stakes — different hairdo , glittery accessories and high heels ’
18 I like to go down to the Albert Dock but I ca n't manage it very well without the scooter . ’
19 I like to go out among the diners and discuss the menu with them .
20 ‘ I like the bit where I get to go home at the end .
21 Pop and I remember going up to the captain 's cabin after you had gone to bed and eating lovely bala chaung sandwiches .
22 It was my turn to go to the bank for the wages and I remember going back to the shop saying King George VI had died .
23 I remember going down to the bridge in Walsall and a sailor climbed the old clock and tied his collar around it and a soldier got up and put his hat on and an airman got up and put his tie with a red , white and blue rosette on it , around the arms of the old clock and people were loving and kissing everywhere , and oh it was really you had to be alive to appreciate it .
24 For myself , I remember going home after the AGM at which the idea to start the new church was first announced , wondering if it was to involve us in leadership .
25 So I decided to go on to the council .
26 I was very kindly invited back to the marquee for tea , but as it was by then after 4.30pm , I decided to go straight to the car , take off my dripping mackintosh , and drive back to London , after a very happy day which raised £25,000 for the Prince 's Trust .
27 I decided to go alone on the Sunday morning .
28 Just after six , with darkness falling , I decided to go down to the bar for a drink , was pulling on my jacket when the phone went .
29 I decided to go back to the block and rest for a little .
30 I decided to go back to the village , to thank him for all his help , and to carry out a plan I had been considering for some time .
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