Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 At last , a streak of orange light appeared to the east ; and gradually the white sea in front of them became an immense expanse of fertile green , while the purple ocean behind turned shimmering white .
2 First to tell me wins a signed photo of Jon Newsome : - )
3 A few of these difficult public-interest cases go , not to the disciplinary committee , but to the Joint Disciplinary Scheme : not more than about one or two a year , but each of them demanding a great investment of time and money .
4 I tried to convince him there must be jugs at the grade and he fell for it , allowing me to breathe a great sigh of relief .
5 We should take a radical approach to the position of elderly people beyond the year 2000 , and consider whether technology can allow them to enjoy a better standard of living and to rely less on residential and nursing homes .
6 Her direct challenge to the authority of the professionals forced them to acknowledge an alternative conceptualisation of Tom 's needs which carried with it quite different implications for the outcome of the formal assessment of those needs .
7 On our first visit I was left standing by these youngsters as one of them unearthed a good bag of finds ranging from Roman through to Georgian .
8 Foreigners always find that a difficult process — in fact only one of them made a real success of it — and Disraeli possessed what Ezra had been denied — the elasticity and toughness of a good Jew .
9 After a few half-hearted sips , one of them made a great show of looking at his watch , and put his glass down .
10 None of them made a special selection of materials suitable for the peasantry , so the few books that were dispatched were often too dry or too expensive .
11 The development was welcomed by exhibitors , who felt that stage adaptations would enable them to attract a better class of customer , but they were n't to know what they were letting themselves in for .
12 ‘ Anyone who can beat me has a good chance of knocking out Holyfield , ’ he said .
13 That as it were milkman 's stool with three legs and each of them has a certain amount of power and it is a question of the adjustment of that power and it is not the of the power to my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary and yet when things go wrong , and they do , in police forces and in local auth police authorities , what happens , people turn round to the Home Secretary and say what are you going to do about it .
14 Baird rarely adds eggs to the purée as the scallop meat tends to be firm enough without them to absorb a fair amount of cream .
15 Paolo Uccello would have been the most delightful and imaginative genius since Giotto that had adorned the art of painting , if he had devoted as much pains to figures and animals as he did to questions of perspective , for , although these are ingenious and good in their way , yet an immoderate devotion to them causes an infinite waste of time , fatigues nature , clogs the mind with difficulties , and frequently renders it sterile where it had previously been fertile and facile .
16 It was this that led them to postulate an original state of affairs in which a hypothetical , pre-human , pre-cultural Natural Man was a cow-like creature , without society and without language , living in the wild in a Garden of Eden forest .
17 I I became a great friend of hers actually , er she looked out of place on the bench .
18 While you are finding that , could I make a general request of the counsels .
19 So shall I make a fresh cup of tea ?
20 Seeking enlightenment , I asked a recent graduate of the college .
21 There was no doubting that this young relative of his made a fine figure of a man , he thought , as he announced that he was going upstairs to change for dinner .
22 I made a real fool of myself , crying and sobbing , but Luke held me and comforted me and he was so kind … ’
23 I made a great nuisance of myself and , in the end , they resorted to the traditional method of dealing with trouble-makers : they asked me to stand for my own ward at the next local government elections .
24 I made a great bonfire of it and stood and watched it burn until every trace of him was wiped off the face of the earth . ’
25 I made a convincing show of joining in all this horse-play and appeared to enjoy it hugely for a week or so while I thought about what I could do to our cousin .
26 Both for not being prepared , not giving the opening of this course the importance that it did deserve , and obviously for the embarrassment that er you must have felt having to sit there while I made a total fool of myself .
27 But I felt at home ; and I made a splendid collection of Italian cafe napkins , their corners printed with emblems of the past glory of Ninfania : the Cupid stringing his bow to let fly his darts from the prow in the cafe of the old harbour , and a selection — even I was defeated by the variety — of ice cream wrappers : ‘ Cooky Delight ’ and ‘ Bikini Manhattan ’ and ‘ Magnum Astoria ’ and ‘ Desiree ’ , ‘ Party Craze ’ and ‘ Magic Cola ’ , ‘ Oasis ’ and ‘ Grand Carre ’ , ‘ Card Game ’ and ‘ Tiffany ’ .
28 Let's face it , I made a complete prat of myself .
29 I made a terrible bosh of it .
30 I made a terrible bosh of it last night . ’
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