Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [not/n't] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I make not a party-political point , but one which shows the reality of not having proper consultations on the time scale for implementing such a major piece of legislation .
2 It would have looked a lot worse if I had n't a proper motive for meeting you in the first place . ’
3 I am normally a law-abiding citizen but I had not a single scruple .
4 I have n't a living relation that I know of . ’
5 I mean , I have n't a bloody clue !
6 I 'm afraid I have n't a spare copy to forward to you even on a loan basis , one never allows for the contingencies which arise .
7 I have n't a single coin with me , my dear , ’ said Fagin .
8 I have not a strong mind , or will , nor am I unselfish , and so knowing well my faults I ask you to help me .
9 I have not a single novel here . ’
10 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
11 Tea went through all its stages — scones ( I fancy ) , gingerbread ( which was a success ) , and small cakes with chopped walnut on which were rather good , but I do n't think they appealed to her — she has n't a sweet tooth , I think …
12 Because if you do n't a fresh ambition or optimistic plan will fall flat on its face .
13 Her eyes never left his , the woman 's , and she did not a damn thing to cross her legs or put her hands across her breasts .
14 Every time I rave about how sexy Rancid Hell Spawn 's distorted , chaotic pop-stupidity is and every time you take not a blind bit of notice .
15 You had not a bad skinful yourself last night ! ’
16 Thank you , and I think the only other thing I need is erm you have n't a small caster sugar have you ?
17 It 's hard to decide what you can do if you do n't know how much money you can get , and it 's hard to decide what something will cost if you have n't a clear idea of what you want to do .
18 I had already loosened the overcoat and was thinking as I looked at him , This very minute you are going on the longest journey a man ever takes and you have n't a frigging clue .
19 When one hears of the hardships which could be caused to the high salaried , then surely in this country which claims to be Christian , we face not a political problem , but a moral one .
20 We saw not a single sign of any fun last year .
21 But the fact remains that , in the matter of Marius Steen 's death , we have not a solitary shred of evidence to go on .
22 Taken together , they produce not a free market but one regulated to allow for freedom !
23 It had fallen to him to inherit not a heaven-born dynasty in an earthly paradise , but the staggering debt of correctly bringing it to an end .
24 They had not a great deal of choice .
25 For one thing , they have n't a proper infrastructure .
26 They may giggle and act as though they have not a serious thought in their heads , but they know exactly what they are up to .
27 It offers not a concrete image of history but an abstract schema of men making history of such a kind that it can manifest itself in the trend of their lives as a synchronic totality .
28 As for Jimmy , he chooses from a handful of set comments , so he has n't a great deal to say .
29 The driver might admit he has n't a current certificate and the relevant conversation can be reproduced in the officer 's statement of evidence .
30 He wants not a huge monument which would hardly be fitting but a small plaque somewhere in the village the plane narrowly avoided .
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