Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was important that I moved on to a bigger stage , with a club in the top bracket of the English First Division , or Celtic and Rangers . ’
2 At four and a half thousand pound of sales we start to pay extra fift in fact at four thousand pound we start but it 's only a small bonus so I home in on the bigger one .
3 I sidle up to the older cop .
4 I went up for a closer look .
5 I cast out into the calmer seas beyond , whilst they continue their provocative tramp around us .
6 Before I move on to a fuller description of helicopter radios , let's summarise the above :
7 At first I had the strings about an inch off the fingerboard , but I slowly started filing down the nut until I ended up with a lower action .
8 She might have succeeded in reaching him , but the tree was laden with apples and as she moved up among the higher branches where the fruit had almost ripened , apples began to cascade down .
9 She says a woman on an earlier expedition had snow blindness and as soon as she came down to a lower altitude , she was put on a drip and recovered in a few days .
10 She came in with a further two bottles of champagne and took them , blue eyes shining , to Alfred , assembling the ingredients for the Rognons à la Didier .
11 She squirmed around for a better view of it .
12 Maybe it 's like driving an expensive sports car : you ease through city traffic , choking on fumes and endless queueing , and then you finally edge out onto a motorway , you drop down into a stronger gear , and you press the accelerator .
13 She went on to a safer subject .
14 Often , if they have a disposition to broader problem-solving , the search consultant can provide views on several issues : the potential organisational structure ; how the individual would fit in ; the likely scope of his or her responsibilities ; if the tasks he or she will be set are manageable and possibly whether candidates can be found in the market who meet a particular specification ; whether the search can be a UK-based search or needs to be international ; whether any of the top candidates can be attracted for the remuneration or does the remuneration of the senior team need reviewing ; is the nationality of the candidate important ; could a woman do the job ; what happened to the last job holder ; did he or she move on to a bigger job or was he or she fired , and was that person successful in the role ?
15 In the case of regression to earlier times in your present life , there will be enough evidence for you to check on at a later date , even if you are not actually aware of specific people or events .
16 Swiftly and almost silently she ran along in the darker shadows beneath the gable to the granary and from there to the dovecot .
17 She ran off with a younger film star .
18 The Gib'Sea family of yachts allow you to move up to a larger craft as your requirements progress — you can select from the comprehensive range , 24′ to 52′ , while remaining loyal to a marque you can trust .
19 There 's no excuse for that and if we 're er having as one of our major platforms of our business initiative 's quality , then er the quality must be right one hundred per cent all the time er so I was somewhat bothered that we were an an disappointed I suppose that we did n't get high ratings in the quality control reviews which were carried out , so to that end we were make make sure the next time we came round with a better score er so er we are looking at what 's called hot reviews which is looking at er an audit for example before it 's finalised by somebody completely independent of the job carrying out a technical review of the way in which tha that audit has been conducted er we are looking at it after the jobs been finished and probably in the slack season in the summer get people to actually review as if they were doing a dry quality control review of the job er prior to us getting an external review er carried out .
20 it 's so new to them that they 're bothering to cost it , but how did we go on in the older days ?
21 We went in for a closer look .
22 The whole question of our relations with the Americans on atomic energy questions seems to me bound up with the larger issue of the extent to which the Americans are prepared to treat us on more or less equal terms as a first-class power .
23 The children marched down the stairs , the nun coming behind , and in the hall they met up with the older girls and , now forming two files , they walked , hands joined as if in prayer , slowly along a corridor , and into the chapel .
24 They got off to a blinder against the Sharks … catching them napping repeatedly in the first period to put six past them .
25 She slipped through the bushes alongside the sorry procession until they passed in through the lower guard of the castle , and disappeared up the tree-shrouded ramp .
26 As the ruminants then set to work they eat down to the lower , leafier parts of the vegetation .
27 Jennifer remembered Tristram 's face grinning through the wall , and the firm warm clasp of his hand as he reached through to her ; she remembered a night when the moonlight was like mercury on the trees — and she remembered her own sudden cry of love and joy , which Mrs Prynn had thought was the deadly shriek of a mandrake and which had caused her to go down to the lower scullery to see if Jennifer was safe .
28 they put her in , they put in for the higher
29 She was vaguely aware of being guided expertly away from the crowded floor , and it was n't until they stepped out into the cooler night air that she realised how much of a relief it was to leave the noise behind .
30 It 's extremely doubtful that they will have been stored in ideal conditions , and even if they have , the ideal conditions of the timber yard do not correspond to those of your own home — there 's bound to be some shrinkage as they dry out in the higher temperatures .
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