Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I jus I skidded to stop on the back end of it .
2 In this section I intend to focus on the way four of these problems have become interlinked , namely those of underachievement , the concern over indiscipline , and the need for social integration and the employability of particular groups .
3 I failed to turn on the light when the sky grew dark and heavy .
4 My binoculars I wore round my neck at the ready for all those puffins , razor bills and guillemots I expected to see on the way over .
5 I tried to play on the drums , I 'm not too good at that .
6 I shall plan out what I propose to do on the farm for the next three years , season by season , and we 'll look for a ploughman to help with your new venture .
7 My scope here is necessarily limited , and I propose to concentrate on the relationships between the political parties and the social collectivities which have furnished their support blocs .
8 I hesitate to pronounce on the degree of tranquillity in his life , but since 1943 he has not been further than sixty miles from this spot .
9 I want to spy on the shrubs . "
10 I want to go on the stage , ’ she had said , six long months ago now .
11 That 's all I want to say on the principle erm of the criteria , as far as the detailed content erm er is concerned I suspect we could talk all day about whether social should replace affordable in one of the criteria , or whether the full stop is in the right place er in another one .
12 I want to play on the US Tour eventually , too , and the Americans do n't care how much money you have won .
13 oh tell mummy I want to play on the bikes
14 ‘ No , I want to concentrate on the boy , Peter .
15 In this chapter I want to concentrate on the response of community educators , particularly their reaction to the problems and issues facing the working class .
16 I want to concentrate on the week in Adelaide in January 1933 that brought it all to a head , and the personal dilemma I faced as the Teuter-Press Association correspondent .
17 Like my hon. Friend , I want to concentrate on the future rather than the past 20 years .
18 I want to build on the graveyard . ’
19 My peg was on a gravel point , it looked perfect for the stick float but as I was fishing for a good weight I opted to start on the feeder .
20 ‘ I 'll tell you , ’ he said , ‘ I hope to die on the railways . ’
21 I hope to touch on the subject that he mentioned shortly .
22 What I hope to gain on the course is to be able to speak more confidently and to get over the nerves .
23 The wood-cuts were on display at the Rick Institute in Kilmanock , and I happened to visit on the day of the General Election .
24 One time when I turned to check on the arrow on the tree , I could n't see it .
25 A little calmer , I began to write on the ground with the stick , ‘ Howard is a nut ’ , but was distracted by a tiny blue van in the south and was determined not to let it go by .
26 I began to work on the dog with all I had .
27 I like to shop on the Kilburn High Road .
28 That 's when I decided to gamble on the chance that you 'd soon be returning to the hotel to freshen up before the start of the evening .
29 After a fruitless hour I decided to go on the stick .
30 But then I started to think , well at this rate I am going to get pregnant , so I decided to go on the Pill , and that was the month I fell for Lucy .
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