Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I got beaten in the first round but my father was very good — he won the tournament and won a vacuum flask .
2 I 'd flown for the first time , out to Malta in an old , rattling York aircraft , and then on to the Canal one .
3 A wife I 'd met for the first time filled up
4 Also , I felt I 'd dealt with the first layer and although I was well aware that there were subsequent layers , I thought I would deal with them at some later date .
5 I had trained for the first time only four days before !
6 I stayed for a while about twenty paces away from the platform barrier , numbed by the realization that I had fallen at the first hurdle .
7 The second time I was pulled over I showed the ‘ producer ’ I had received from the first policeman , but to no avail .
8 And the two things that I had noticed on the first day were still left hanging there …
9 I had felt for the first time a gnawing loneliness , finding echoes of familiar landscapes in the sweep of a glen , the gentle bend of a river .
10 We had done a lot of hard motoring through three countries and , although we had by no means seen all of the Scandinavian birds , we had achieved more than I had expected on a first trip .
11 Macca played as well as I 've seen in the first twenty minutes .
12 That I 've done for the first time in my life something original .
13 There 's actually another complaint this morning I 've had on the first floor of G P House .
14 Well I 've got to the first one
15 Now I 've got through the first round , it 's taken the pressure off me a bit .
16 no , no , my Lord I have raised for the first time the board minute
17 In view of the answer that I have given to the first question this second question does not arise and it would be unwise for me to attempt to answer it on a hypothetical basis .
18 As I have said , I have quoted from the first page of the background paper , which is available from the Library .
19 This means that you do n't have to wait for WSP to read all the text on any page and then edit out the unwanted bits , but can tell it exactly what you want read in the first place .
20 It was an astonishing thing for a wife to say about her husband to a woman she 'd met for the first time .
21 Seems like the only parts they got for a young actress nowadays she gets six lines , they cut three and she gets raped in the first ten minutes .
22 The exchange between them had been painful , but there was something so honest and open about it that she felt freed for the first time in months from her painful awareness of him as a man .
23 Just a bit more about Camco second half is , given these little plus and minuses you 've had in the first , first half , what 's coming in the second ?
24 And more particularly in Appendix Three , you 've got for the first time , individual chief officers and general managers comments , for achieving a better equal opportunity profile in their department or unit .
25 Furious but civil , he had offered to go round to her flat to see her , an offer which she had declined with the first sign of decisiveness she had been heard to display .
26 Further shocks were to come : the reason behind Diana 's sometimes gaunt appearance was her battle with the binge-and-vomit eating disorder bulimia , from which she had suffered since the first year of her marriage .
27 That evening , as her mother had stood at the kitchen door with the shadow of future old age lurking behind her , she had felt for the first time what it was to be a grown-up , what it was that she was missing in the never-never land of Fenna 's spell .
28 During the headmistress 's speech she had realized for the first time how little she knew of the world that lay beyond the school gates .
29 ‘ Your employer ? ’ he said gently , not probing , remembering what she had said on the first day .
30 She thought with a rush of gratitude of the letter she had had from Gay , in answer to the one she had written on the first night of the holidays .
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