Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] first [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I put them first in one pocket , then moved them to all my other pockets , except two which I kept secret .
2 Yeah , so you coloured it first of all then .
3 She 's a very conceited woman , Pete the adulterous told me she was a very conceited woman and er Neil says I I I 'd have to talk to him to him about this , she could n't discuss anything with him she would lay down the law , that was how it had to be and I said no I said Gerry and I , I had no hesitation , as I said , in putting the boot in and Brenda and Dave take the same the attitude to children that you let them first of all when they 're small , you have to tell them no like you do not
4 We want them first of all to be authoritative — and there 's no greater authority than the RHS .
5 Okay so what I 'd like you to do now a little bit of revision which , which way shall we do it first of all no just talk about it both of you what you found easy and what you found hard .
6 but i if we take it first of all back well wh okay what was happening in that microcosm , and then the extent to which you can generalize .
7 They took it first of all it would be in a cart drawn by a horse .
8 They explained it first in these terms :
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