Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I move against them do not expect me to treat you differently from the way I treat them .
2 And he stopped me and said : ‘ Son , I saw ye practising , and I 've always found with a player of your capabilities it is best to tell them to hit it straight at the pin ! ’
3 He wrote round to fifteen builders on 22nd March and , with what today would be regarded as incredible naïveté , asked them to meet him together at the Office of Works on 24th March .
4 we 'll have to let them catch you right at the right , where the music tells you too , dum , oh
5 ( Do I make it sound like a paradise , a utopia , a socialist state such as would delight Shelley 's and your father 's hearts ?
6 I asked her once about the packet .
7 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
8 I mean I normally in the past I 've always gone for experienced keepers because you know I mean they they do n't come to their prime until , I do n't think goalkeepers over twenty six twenty seven onwards .
9 Then , slowly , she fell forward and I laid her gently on the ground .
10 I lay it neatly over a Sarson 's Malt Vinegar box .
11 I met him infrequently on the subway journey to and from work .
12 I met them leeward of the middle vehicle , where they lent a hand to tip the wheelbarrow into a stable position .
13 So I push him backwards into the mountain of stinking rubbish , and he sinks down on it .
14 When the fellow returned I entertained him here in the manor house .
15 I remember that she asked me to guess what was inside a sort of pasty served to her on Thásos , and that I got it right at the first guess : macaroni .
16 Ouch , I thought , that really hurt , and I clenched it tight for a moment to stop the pain , before looking to see the damage .
17 I beat him once in the 1988 Olympics and I know I can beat him again . ’
18 I found him here on the floor with his neck broken .
19 As I understood , he was asleep for much of the time , and indeed , I found him so on the few occasions I had a spare moment to ascend to that little attic room .
20 I found him sometimes in a sort of energized depression ’ , said Shaffer .
21 But long before her death my grandmother was a ghost to me , as if she was never really there , even though I visited her regularly as a child .
22 This bizarre characteristic did not disappear with the end of the war , for when I visited her home during a sugar shortage in the 1970s , I saw the dining-room mantelpiece piled high with two-pound bags — enough , surely , to satisfy the most desperate sweet-tooth for months , or even years , to come .
23 I want him here until the end of his career . ’
24 I want you there for the speedboat race . ’
25 I drew it downwards with a clean cut .
26 I mentioned her once in an interview and Perry began to cry .
27 I mean it 's such a variety and it 's involved both face to face and direct sales that er er I know I stopped you right in the middle of your spiel there .
28 So to impress him I told him briefly of the four stages of polio — first the porodomal , second the muscle pain , then the period of muscle destruction which usually took no longer than fourteen days , and finally the period of repair .
29 In my diary I recognised it almost from the beginning , probably because I made no connection between it and non-eating , but seemed to have ascribed it to being overworked academically or being hounded into sporting activities which I resented for their profound pointlessness .
30 After the service , the Mayor had said his piece : ‘ I welcome you warmly to the city of the Prince Regent . ’
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