Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] at [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I feel I 've at last found what I really want to do in life , Jannie , ’ he said .
2 PAUSE I thought I knew at last who you were , why you liked me at school , why you took the trouble to read those poems I 'd written .
3 They probably do improve the services to the people on the estates ; they do hurry along their repairs , which I think you mentioned at first , Bill , but we 've still retained a central department .
4 " Send Mai to my hut in two minutes , " she heard him say at last in a curt voice .
5 Now , however , her husband had a motor-car — the first Cork Jew to possess one — and as they drove to the synagogue , their distinguished visitor , Karlinsky , beside her in the back seat , she felt she had at last come into her kingdom .
6 He was unhappy but he felt he had at last sorted his life out .
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