Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
2 In many cases , the parents of the brighter children wished them to go to the secondary school in Jarrow , an overcrowded building housing about 400 pupils in which good scholarship results were achieved , but there were serious difficulties facing their children :
3 The headmaster would not allow them to go into the sixth form here .
4 It was a strange conversation , sleepily hostile , with both of them drained by the extravagant expenditure of passion that had gone before .
5 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
6 What good is an educational system which fools youngsters into thinking they are much cleverer than they really are and lets them loose on the working world ( not that there 's much work there ) with worthless qualifications ?
7 This level of provision represents a very substantial commitment of resources to the enterprise bodies and it should be sufficient to enable them to carry through the wide range of tasks expected of them and to build on their excellent first year of operation .
8 I wanted to go out last week , but he said , ‘ No way , you 're not going out there ’ , and he made me stay in the whole week .
9 I have heard from Prudential Property Services with details of your proposed purchase of the above property for £52,000 subject to Contract and I expect that I shall be receiving the draft Contract from the vendor 's solicitors in the course of the next post but perhaps you will kindly telephone me and let me know whether you wish me to proceed with the Preliminary Enquiries arising thereon and the Local search with the East Herts District Council .
10 1987 's Locust Abortion Technician saw them dredging for the very dregs of sound .
11 Christian Democrats voted by 66 to 28 to accept the Tories as ‘ allied members ’ , allowing them to sit in the same group as the Christian Democrats in the Strasbourg Euro-parliament from May 1 .
12 Nobody told me to become a stand-up comedian and nobody told me to go on the fucking telly . ’
13 And she would like me to go to the well women 's clinic every Wednesday it 's run .
14 He ca n't help it : Do you want me to go into the other room ?
15 There is considerable ( ? deliberate ) confusion about the figures , but it seems that general practice and community services will receive about 4% extra revenue next year to help them prepare for the extra workload .
16 The composition is saved from monotony by the subtle characterisation of these figures , and united by the concentration on them effected by the inward-facing chariot-teams and the looks of some of the seated figures and of the two reclining in the angles who frame the design .
17 You will find them listed in the Yellow Pages .
18 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
19 There was a great yearning among lay people to understand in terms of their own vernacular this inner experience of the faith , which , through the institutional influence of the Church , formally governed the structure of their lives , although their education may not have been such as to enable them to cope with the official language of the Church or highly intellectual theological exposition .
20 All four species live in the surf zone of the lake and have a reduced swim-bladder which enables them to cope with the rapid water movement .
21 Deciding what facts are relevant to a choice of means may be very complicated , and that the difficulties from admitting his obligation to take account of them testifies to the irresistible authority of ‘ Be aware ’ in practical decisions .
22 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
23 But if the child is a paraplegic spina-bifida victim , for example , the receiving teacher should surely expect to receive additional training to equip him/her to cope with the physical implications of the condition .
24 Perhaps they are sheepish about the efficiency or integrity of their testing systems , and unwilling to have them exposed to the public scrutiny that would follow if the banned athletes chose to take the matter further in law .
25 Obviously , the volume of data by making notes and by taperecording that I acquired made it sensible for me to concentrate on the one school rather than the other .
26 You see , Great-Aunt Jane was a skilled dressmaker and made clothes for quite a number of young ladies in Baldersdale , and it was usual for them to try on the new clothes and have the final fittings in the kitchen .
27 The manager would have had them all in at 8 a.m. , forcing them to try on the latest zipper tops over their Iron Maiden T-shirts , and making them practise slouching around the sales floor trying to look cool in clothes designed to save lives in sub-zero temperatures .
28 Get yourself twelve songs — and have them transposed into the right key , for God 's sake .
29 Do n't overfeed them to compensate for the fasting stage .
30 Many health policies in Third World countries are based on at least the vocabulary of this approach though the political climate does not always encourage such radical rethinking of health care nor does the training of most health workers prepare them to work in the new ways implied in the PHC philosophy .
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