Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] him as [art] " in BNC.

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1 I stopped beside him as the other three went on ahead .
2 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
3 The thing I remember about him as an engineer was that we used to get these forms that told you each week who you were going to be working on , what the line-up was , and I saw this thing and it said David Bowie , Studio Two .
4 Eleven years later I worked with him as a local newspaper reporter when he was a club manager at Ayr United .
5 I thought of him as a patrician in the Roman tradition , cultured , erudite , civilized , governed above all by his sense of duty .
6 Until I was seventeen , only occasionally and briefly meeting him , I thought of him as the rather alarming head of the family .
7 I thought of him as the rhino : myopic , short-legged , thick-skinned , not too bright but with a mean temper , a surprising turn of speed over a short course , and , above all , a keen sense of smell .
8 I think of him as the big brother I never had . ’
9 I think of him as an artist who writes history , and I take it that the history he writes includes the history he has principally suffered — that of Poland .
10 You look on Him as a father telling you what to do . ’
11 She thought of him as a drug-running tyrant .
12 She thought of him as a big tree , with strong branches that enabled her to climb him , which she did when he was home .
13 With the most supreme effort she had ever made , she thought of him as the patient .
14 She thought of him as an aging hippy .
15 No he 's always , Fred , thou you think of him as the policeman do n't you that John Thaw .
16 She smiled at him as the general hurriedly got dressed .
17 What justice will we get with him as a judge , eh ? ’
18 What he did n't like was the way some of them looked at him as a potential John .
19 At first he was surprised at this and only when they referred to him as an ‘ adult ’ did he realize that some time in the previous weeks the last of his juvenile plumage had moulted and his wings now had the rich and glossy glow of an adult golden eagle .
20 For one thing , the Hebrews did not divide man up into spirit , mind and body as we tend to do : they thought of him as a single entity , an animated body , a living person .
21 It is obviously far more important in industrial selling than retail selling ; for example , a salesperson of office equipment may call upon many new potential customers , whereas a furniture salesperson is unlikely to search out new prospects — they come to him as a result of advertising and , perhaps , high street location .
22 It clung around him as a second , intimate skin .
23 It occurred to him as a possibility , for instance , that , prior to being ‘ kept alive ’ for ten days , Dobson might first have been murdered .
24 It came to him as a Revelation , descending upon his mind in all its complex glory , that there was a man in the City in need of his help , and that the man — his name did n't matter-would free everyone as this awakening had freed him .
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