Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 I suppose in the First World War , I do n't remember an awful lot about it , we wer always seemed to have enough to eat but er I , I think the Second World War whatever there was it was fairly distributed .
2 erm Novelists in this country , it seems to me , are drawn from a much narrower social band , and you can not have this ethnic richness , this melting pot richness , erm that American fiction has very clearly demonstrated I think since the Second World War .
3 Er , he was in the ambulance corp , I think in the First World War , but he was a redback .
4 Martha and I married during the Second World War , as did Steven 's parents , when wedding couples needed clothing coupons from all their relatives to make the wedding dress and wedding suits , which had to be of sensible material so that they could be worn again .
5 If you lived through the second world war you 'll recognise the sound of the air raid bell .
6 As Dr Reading told BBC WILDLIFE : ‘ We met at the first World Congress of Herpetology at Canterbury in 1989 , and subsequently arranged to co-ordinate the two projects . ’
7 And he er he 'd made all that lace , well then instead of him going in the First World War and making the net which was used you see his lace trade all went .
8 But the practical components of the curriculum , whether in the medieval university or in courses of professional education as they developed after the Second World War , have been subsidiary elements in a much wider programme of studies ; and they have an internal connection with the general programme of theoretical studies .
9 W that bit we gave up after the First World War but we made er we did make some of these er patented things that they had in the Second World War .
10 He fought in the first World War and died in the Aegean in 1915 at the age of 27 .
11 Right O K yeah that 's the other major erm feature is that agriculture 's share of world trade has declined and manufacturing er share of world trade has increased and I 've got some er some numbers here erm so it says before the first world war agriculture 's share of world trade was over fifty percent , today it is less than fourteen percent okay , so agriculture 's share in world trade is declining and has been declining er essentially over the the last sort of seventy years or so .
12 It worked for the last World Cup , when the FA paid a £30,000-a-man bonus for reaching the semi-finals .
13 Britain 's Overseas Development Administration has its Manual of Environmental Appraisal which will presumably apply as much to East Europe as it does to the Third World .
14 Debt earns interest just as easily in the West as it does in the Third World .
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