Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
2 They I mean in a time when it 's sort of been difficult to make money erm why is that one got not gone by the board and more amateur production put in there ?
3 For I come from a time when your novel is generally acknowledged as a masterpiece of literature and prophetic insight , a time when Frankenstein is as familiar a name to the literate as Gulliver or Robinson Crusoe is to you ! ’
4 Her claims to be heard are based on her spiritual topic matter and the historical accident that she writes at a time when she believes more has been revealed about the divine and therefore she possesses ‘ more information ’ than previously .
5 Er and you then , you get to the time when you 're all going to get in the car and go off .
6 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
7 It is probably the case that we live in a time when the cultural return of homosexuality exacerbates , even intensifies , the psychic return of repressed homosexuality .
8 We live in a time when television tells us what our world is like and what lifestyles other people have and we can copy .
9 And , yes , Edward could point out that we live in a time when the very meaning of the word myth has been debased , that it has come to signify only what is untrue , false , misleading ; and , yes , I could largely agree that it is nevertheless by myths we live , and what matters is how large the contrary truths a myth reconciles in its embrace .
10 In his novel The Human Age , D. B. Wyndham Lewis postulates the theory that after death , as we stand on that other shore , at the gate of eternity , we will each one assume the shape and form which we had at the time when we best realised our essential selves .
11 Now we come to a time when relationships can give extreme joy or extreme pain .
12 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
13 When asked what had kept him going at a time when Willie Miller 's appointment as manager at Pittodrie prompted speculation that McLeish might be a natural second-in-command , the defender was unequivocal .
14 They laugh about the time when Colin was making love with a girlfriend and Bella , in the room next door , heard her moan that her feet were cold .
15 The interesting points to note for both papers are that they emerged at a time when the SDP , a party of the middle-ground , was in the ascendant , and that neither moved to the ‘ left ’ , not even the social democratic ‘ left ’ , in the 1987 election .
16 He became enormously interested in these papers and the effect they had at a time when many people thought Britain was on the brink of popular revolution .
17 However , he lived at a time when the centuries-old Almagest of the Egyptian scholar Claudius Ptolemy was still being used by the Church to defend the doctrines of Scripture with ‘ evidence ’ and ‘ confirmation ’ ( not that Ptolemy had ever had the remotest idea that his book would support the Bible ! ) .
18 It occurred at a time when abolitionist leaders hoped for improved treatment of slaves in the West Indies but had not focused on emancipation as an objective and had not specifically propagandised for it .
19 The importance of the PPR is that it occurs at a time when the numbers of new susceptible hosts are increasing and so ensures the survival and propagation of the worm species .
20 None of this necessarily involved fighting between French and British , but it came at a time when the British Company was revising its policy of relying on the Moghul Emperor and on the successes of Englishmen outside India to protect its position .
21 It came at a time when dislocation of the Latin American economies as a result of the First World War caused widespread unemployment and increasingly militant labour unrest .
22 He arrived at a time when converging philosophical , political , scientific , and economic influences had inspired a number of English landowners to transform their estates into prosperous miniature centres for civilized living .
23 He gambled at a time when the Mob ran gaming , and he never expected to lose .
24 Still no acknowledgement was made and it grew near the time when Gigia would be setting out on her journey .
25 The UAE was reported to have reacted in a low-key manner to the Iranian takeover , coming as it did at a time when the Gulf states were hoping for improved relations with Iran .
26 S 1(1) provides that ‘ a person is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he causes a computer to perform any function to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( b ) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised ; and ( c ) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case ’ .
27 ‘ A person is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( b ) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised ; and ( c ) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case .
28 It comes at a time when the Reagan administration is rolling back the controls established by successive governments in the 1970s .
29 It is the first occasion that Basquiat 's art will have been studied by an American institution and it comes at a time when David Ross , who replaced Thomas Armstrong as the Whitney 's director in bitter circumstances nearly two years ago , is under considerable pressure to ignite a new and visionary exhibition programme at the museum ( see The Art Newspaper No.6 , March 1991 , p.5 ) .
30 It comes at a time when the advertising campaign is already in full swing adding another dimension to the promotional mix .
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