Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know whether there is a charge for this ; if there is , please would you let me know before sending the report as all expenditure has to be authorised by a meeting of the Parish Council .
2 The weather being too boisterous to admit of a boat being lowered , I endeavoured to capture the bird with a hook and line , and the ordinary sea-hooks being too large for the purpose , I was in the act of selecting a hook from my stock of salmon-flies , when a sudden gust of wind blew my hooks , and a piece of parchment ten inches long by six inches wide on which they were lying , overboard into the sea , and I was obliged to give up the attempt for that day ; on the next I succeeded in capturing the bird with a hook baited with fat , and the reader may judge of my surprise when on opening the stomach I there found the piece of parchment , so completely uninjured that it was dried and again restored to its original use. ,
3 When the men were out working in the field , I was left in the yard erm I helped with feeding the milking the cows , feeding the calves and the pigs .
4 It was a bit difficult as I could n't feel what I was doing , but I concentrated on pushing the top of my uterus down through my bottom .
5 The role which I adopted for studying the process was that of non-participant observer .
6 When I came to planning the circuit I realised there would actually have to be two routes — a high level one , leading over the crest of the fells , and a low level alternative for unfavourable weather .
7 I hope by sharing the struggle and vision of the people in both ‘ worlds ’ , that more people will be inspired to ‘ blow the trumpet ’ which will one day sound the tune for the march of humanity into progress .
8 I begin by repeating the point that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State made in a letter to my hon. Friend the Member for Devon , North on 14 January , that in an organisation the size of the health service , which deals with so many patient contacts , it should not be surprising — indeed , it should be welcomed — that we do not seek to impose total uniformity on every single decision that is made about the treatment of patients across the country .
9 I want this morning to consider the effect of some of those issues on our planet and particularly on our atmosphere , and I begin by considering the ozone layer .
10 I began by taking the cable-car and the chairlift beyond it , then wandered up the lower glacier to the hut .
11 I began by describing the position as Labour Members see it .
12 On the boat , I had been reading about the shooting of Fergal Caraher at the South Armagh checkpoint at Cullyhanna and now , in the darkness , as details of the story flooded back , I decided against pressing the buzzer .
13 The whole place was rather grubby , so I started by painting the extension .
14 I felt like kissing the dinghy , and I 'm not sure that I did n't put my lips to the rough friendly fabric of her snub nose .
15 That 's why I insisted on locking the bar .
16 I insisted on paying the bill and on opening the door for her as if I were an ordinary gallant .
17 No , I meant , I meant from booking the cinema .
18 ‘ It is a species which will ever live in my memory , from its being the first large petrel I saw after crossing the line , and from a somewhat curious incident that then occurred .
19 For a moment , in my panic , I thought about swinging the ship around about and getting out .
20 ‘ The car was so badly crushed that I thought about asking the boss if he wanted it posting back . ’
21 I thought of converting the attic , ’ Clare said .
22 I thought of ringing the Met when you dashed off like that but decided to leave it with you . ’
23 While the hairdressers I spoke to admitted the cult of the dominating hairdresser was strong in the last decade , they all feel it 's now on it 's way out .
24 Nobody I spoke to regretted the money they had spent .
25 I like to have some sort of colour down as an underpainting first to kill the white of the paper — a similar process to an oil painter , and I start by wetting the paper with an old one and a half inch household painting brush and then quickly slash in some colour which slightly relates to what I see .
26 In some cases , where the childhood has been unhappy or deprived , there is no such happy occasion to build upon ; in such instances I start by asking the patient to tell me what he could see as he lay in bed at night — this often brings its own feelings of security to even the unhappiest child .
27 I start by checking the nursery , where we 've got our glasshouses and propagation facilities , and I 'm always walking around — I try to get round the whole garden at least once a week .
28 Now once the benefits were approved er by the Trust Deed and er bearing in mind that the Chairman at that meeting informed the Trustee and I quote in determining the structure of the scheme the company was prepared to enter into consultation with the Trade Unions and Trustees , but this was a consultative process only and not a subject for negotiation ; and their company then went on to seek the er er the transfer of the present contributing members er er and a hundred of the members agreed er to transfer into that new scheme .
29 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
30 ‘ So I compromised by redesigning the base as a set of flat plates with circular holes cut in them through which sets of moulded hemispheres could be pushed .
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