Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [be] [v-ing] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 I was in Italy , it was early morning , and I 'd been lying awake for about three hours .
2 I 've been trying that for me stomach since I 've came back
3 I guess I 've been getting upset for too long when it was n't even necessary .
4 with his permission he thought it was funny he saw the funny side of it as well , but they had this big argument for five minutes cos he thought what he 'd done was right and he said Jesus , I 've been using this for three years for the training in the branch er it makes you wonder does n't it erm but if you 're gon na do practical applications you 've got ta give people relevant examples perhaps you start off basics with an example that is correct and then you start building on that do n't you then you start giving them the deviations and all this sort of stuff .
5 I 've been doing that for a long , long time .
6 I mean I 've been doing that for ever since we 've been on .
7 I 've been doing this for around six years now .
8 No , no there 's not I mean I 've been doing this for fifteen years , and quite simply is , if you like , I 've been up the ladder , the contacts that were I 've had were relatively junior fifteen years ago
9 I 've been doing this for twenty five years so the best deal I 've ever done is the sale I make each week which brings me three hundred quidHe later went onto spend over five hundred pounds on a Mickey Mouse Toy .
10 Now you are actually going to be guinea pig for me because I 've been doing these for about ten years and I 've decided for ten years is getting perhaps a little stale .
11 I have been doing this for over ten years .
12 I have been doing this for the past 15 years .
13 I have been contemplating this for a while and would love advice from other knitters who have tried it !
14 I thought you 'd been doing that for the thirty whatsit of July .
15 She 'd been using these for years , ever since a practical demonstration by an art-school technician fired her to experiment with felting techniques .
16 She 'd been sitting motionless for over an hour , conducting an inner battle over the need to alert the board of Chester 's about Guy 's perfidy , with the stubborn hope that somehow she might be wrong keeping her glued to the spot , torn with indecision …
17 Yeah , and you 've been doing that for many many years , English
18 Now you 've been doing this for 25 years , that 's quite a long stint is n't it ?
19 Re-rigging the ship for an Antarctic voyage inside of a week , after she had been lying idle for over a year , was quite impossible .
20 We 'd been playing safe for our own survival , and scores of heterosexuals went unchallenged in their continued acts of heterosexism .
21 ‘ On things like consulting with patients and carers — we 've been doing that for years . ’
22 And of course we 've been doing these for twenty years , folders .
23 We 've been doing these for about six .
24 Frankly , I 'd respond more if a chap came up to me and said , ‘ Look here , we 've been doing this for rather a long time now and we find that this way seems to bring the best results . ’ ’
25 Now now we 've been doing this for twenty years and I 've got a I 've got a feel for
26 We 've been doing this for sometime , it does n't really seem to have taken too much effect , now at the moment we 've been channelling everything through Julian and Jonathan .
27 But he 's not the sort of person that 'll say ah yeah we 've been doing this for a little while , why do n't we just take off and go somewhere and fuck it , fuck it , let's just go and do something together he 's the sort of person that they would settle down into this safe little life and , which would n't actually be that safe for Vanessa , it 'd be very very you know , much what Dangerous wants to do .
28 We have been using these for only a number of weeks now , but the response has been very encouraging .
29 ‘ It is interesting that a major conservation charity like the Trust has been served with a writ now , when we have been doing this for 30 years at Blickling , ’ he added .
30 They 'd been sitting still for too long .
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