Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv] [pers pn] first [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I know when I first came into training I was really high on er
2 Well I remember when we first met we wanted to go and do a dissertation together did n't we ?
3 I remember when we first came here on honeymoon it did wonderful things to you , Stephen .
4 I remember when you first started at SIS .
5 I remember when I first saw simulated sex on TV , putting myself in the place of the woman , the man on top of me .
6 I remember when I first went to see Mrs
7 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
8 I remember when I first heard the music I panicked .
9 In fact , I remember when I first introduced him to my father and before he 'd said a word , I said , ‘ This is my father ’ who told me afterwards that he had n't realized that it was a boy because I mean … long hair — his hair was really long .
10 I knew when I first thought of it , he wrote , when I first set it up , that it was to be the final piece .
11 Anything you remember when you first saw a television ?
12 you know reduced price but never-the-less money new cooker gas hob removed because that was going U S and an electric hob put in the formica in the kitchen , if you remember when you first saw me , it was tiles it was n't formica , it was ghastly tiles and when Ned lifted all that out it was black with with rotten mould !
13 Of course she remembered when they first saw Siena together .
14 I 'll admit I felt just like you do when I first saw Townshend doing his smashing act ; I would have died for the SG he splintered at Woodstock !
15 And I was in there until I left Colchester , but what , what happened , you see when you first go in they only class you as a a class three tradesman .
16 And there were no telephones you see when I first came .
17 Absolutely , I would think they 're the three heroes erm Les Phillips in midfield was back to the Les Phillips we knew when he first came to Oxford from Birmingham when we were in the first division .
18 These are the astonished questions we ask when we first read the poem .
19 He remembers when he first came across seventeen-year-old Jean Shrimpton posing for a Kelloggs ad with his friend Brian Duffy .
20 And so does a man , or at least he does when he first falls in love , when he 's too caught up to pay any attention to what other fellows think .
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