Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd better see them first .
2 well I 'd only paid me first month you see twenty two thirty
3 You know , perhaps if you straightened up on the side , or made it a bit more symmetrical , so that I know how to improve it next time .
4 Miss You and the haunting Leisure and the particular highlights while Wanting reminded me a little of the Beatles Helter Skelter ( though I do n't remember it first time round , of course ) with its screaming guitars and music style .
5 Though I did n't cover it last month , the triplet subdivision can apply to ballads .
6 I did n't do it last week .
7 I did n't like it first , when I bought it I thought it was a bit crap
8 The next time you try and I 've been here before , and I did n't get it last time .
9 No I did n't see it last week .
10 No I did n't see it last night .
11 ‘ And I did indeed enjoy my visit but I think I have missed the best treat in the entire house , what a pity I did n't see you first . ’
12 As they walked inside , arm in arm , she said huskily , ‘ Darling , what would you have done if I had n't said it first ? ’
13 You go along to see him first thing tomorrow . ’
14 You did n't watch it last night .
15 As you did n't see it last night , before I get
16 If you say , ‘ Just have a go , we do n't mind if you do n't do it first time ’ , a sensitive child will probably clam up .
17 But just be careful you do n't injure me next time . ’
18 Well , she did n't have it last time I saw her , she 's got it now .
19 I rang my mum , because she did n't ring me last night ,
20 She had n't noticed it last night .
21 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
22 Maybe we do n't increase it next January .
23 We do n't put him next to other horses , but he can see them clearly , only a field away , and he does n't fret or bother at all .
24 They did n't do it last weekend .
25 I promised to ring him , if he did n't ring me first , reassured her again that everything was fine and that she did n't need to drive over to look after me .
26 And once again I thought of Prospero ; even if he had not said it first , I should have thought of it then .
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