Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] [was/were] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 I discovered there was room for 10 bells , so it was just too tempting .
2 Helen continued to circulate ; I decided it was time for a pee and then maybe some food , which took me via the garden ( there was a queue for the downstairs loo , and the upper part of the castle was locked ) to the kitchen .
3 I decided it was time for a change . ’
4 As you say , it will soon be Christmas , but I thought there was time for one more letter before then
5 ‘ I have n't had my hair cut for about a year and neither has Meera so I thought it was time for a change . ’
6 Standing up , I assured her that I was n't drunk but tired and that I thought it was time for me to walk her home .
7 I 'd had enough of working in an accounts department , my family had uprooted themselves , and I thought it was time for a change .
8 I think it was agony for her often , the balance between No 1 and No 2 .
9 When I was in Moscow , my grandmother was with me and everything that I wanted she was doing for me and I was a little girl who had everything .
10 Still half dazed by shock , lashed by rage and a deeper pain she told herself was grief for Edmund , Isabel forgot the fleeting moments when fitzAlan had shown her tenderness despite his suspicions , forgot that he had asked for the truth .
11 But Japhet ( she knew it was Japhet for the name was printed in little letters on his tee-shirt ) was nobody but Finn himself , perfect down to the squint , in blue jeans .
12 A spokesman for Selina said : ‘ She felt it was time for a change . ’
13 But she admits there was room for rationalization in other areas ; ‘ at first clothes were never costed properly ; in fact we may have been underpricing ’ , she explained , ‘ but for Laura the most important thing was that everyone was working happily together ’ .
14 At home he did n't spook at bright blue barrels , a wall or planks , so we decided it was time for our first party .
15 Reacting to the killings , the Nobel Peace Prize winner , Desmond Tutu , the Anglican archbishop of Cape Town , said it demonstrated it was time for all South Africa 's politicians ‘ for goodness sake to get off your butts and get on with the business of getting a new constitution for this country .
16 He 'd just finished helping with the dishes when he decided it was time for high-jinks in the sink .
17 Berowne 's only explanation had been that he felt it was time for his life to take a new direction .
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