Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 This information , together with the associated parts lists , is the information needed first in manufacturing departments to allow them to plan their contribution to the project .
2 This information , together with the associated parts lists , is the information needed first in manufacturing departments to allow them to plan their contribution to the project .
3 There 's no doubt he relieved the pressure on me and the rest of the dressing-room and enabled me to enjoy my game to the full . ’
4 I commend his outlook to the House when we discuss issues relating to the social charter .
5 Anyway , at shortly before five I made my way to the forecourt of the RA .
6 Ignoring them , I made my way to the Norman castle .
7 It was suppertime , so I made my way to the Roscommon chip shop .
8 I felt I was climbing a mountain of my own as I made my way to the interview battling on my bike against the fierce London traffic to meet Sir Edmund at a plush hotel next to Harrods in Knightsbridge .
9 In the lunch interval of the Test I made my way to the bar , where I saw the editor of the Herald , Mac Pollock , father of Springboks Peter and Graeme , and decided to discuss Vorster 's threat with him .
10 I ran through the fields , laid low for about two hours , then I made my way to the motorway and hitched it to Birmingham .
11 Come Saturday morning I made my way to the ground .
12 Prost , who appeared at the same conference , said : ‘ I made my apologies to the world council .
13 Still , I need some fun , and so I make my way to the front , along a narrow arm out onto the sun-baked prow tip .
14 I make my way to the back holding on carefully .
15 No , I 'll treat you to them , I make my lot to the nearest bottle with Unicare if I can , how many you 've got ?
16 But I found their approach to the Beethoven far too earnest and heavy-handed for music of such freshness and charm .
17 May if I changed my name to The Pierce Turner or Pierce And The Turners I might get played .
18 I ca n't keep the eye open and I fumble my way to the bathroom to clean my contact lens .
19 ‘ You must set them free before I send your brothers to the plane . ’
20 I place my chair to the left of the swim so that I am hidden behind the wall of rushes and have a good viewpoint of both rods .
21 We three travelled up in the lift of the Hotel Vancouver together and perhaps just to make conversation I mentioned my trip to the Haida reservation and my feelings about the neglect of our Indians .
22 And to all of you who 've written moaning about storms in a teacup , claiming that the mouthings of a mere pop star can have no impact on the real world , may I direct your attention to the letter below .
23 I welcome his election to the House .
24 Me ankle hurts every time I put me foot to the ground .
25 I put my views to the Chief Secretary , ’ he said calmly , ‘ before he left for London .
26 When I put my question to the Secretary of State for Defence , I referred to the hon. Member for Glasgow , Govan ( Mr. Sillars ) .
27 Every time I co , I put my face to the window they go , oh no , he 's back again !
28 Lights began to go on in the dark houses , and I relished my melancholy to the last drop .
29 Embarrassed , I dropped my eyes to the hymnsheet in front of me .
30 Accordingly I directed my researches to the first steps on the ladder , the branch and workshop .
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