Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [art] [adj -est] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As Fael-Inis began to play , each of them drew a deep breath and surrendered , and each of them experienced the deepest contentment at hearing the silver pipes of enchantment .
2 I caught up a bit during the '60s when I became the oldest teenager in town — in fact I was in my early thirties .
3 I mean the narrowest part of the river I would say is er where Hall Bridge is , that 's the narrowest part .
4 erm I mean the highest percentage of overseas visitors to this country are from America , and people , you know , like Paul Duffy at Blenheim Palace , you know , depend a great deal on the American visitor .
5 I got the greatest enjoyment from that .
6 I got the tastiest bird in the place and all that and er she spun it and spun it back to me and spun it .
7 This was not something upon which I wished to dwell , as I approached the narrowest section of the ridge .
8 It was the number one awkward question but I discerned the faintest gleam of hope ; he had spoken in the unmistakable harsh , glottal accent of my home town .
9 I played the best round of golf I 've ever played to get into the play-off , so rather than feeling disappointed I 'm feeling very confident . ’
10 In the end , I judged the best option to be to talk in the privacy of his room , thus giving him the opportunity to ponder his new situation in solitude once I took my leave .
11 Jim Davidson sent six bottles of champagne with a card saying , ‘ What a way to get into the papers , ’ and one evening I received the largest basket of poinsettias I 've ever seen , totally stunning , with a card saying , ‘ Thinking of you — lots of love , Elton . ’
12 If I showed the slightest sign of taking sides about Bodyline , or suggesting that it was a threat to cricket , my reports would be censored and I would probably be replaced .
13 Have I got the slightest reason in the world to be unhappy ?
14 The King took him into his barge and cried , ‘ Now I know the greatest heretic in Kent ’ and showed him the letters from Canterbury .
15 When we moved to Scotland I discovered the greatest delicacy of all — the smoked herring , or kipper .
16 I think I can say I walked the best part of the rivers in my district . ’
17 I reckon the biggest dick in Kiplin that ca n't say shit it Reg .
18 I believe the best link between the two books are the characters of Celie and Ponyboy .
19 No I find the best thing for snow cos we 've got an eight car driveway so you can imagine how much
20 But I suppose the best way of answering that is to say that my own two sons aged 9 and 11 are playing rugby , love it , and I have no hesitation in letting them do so .
21 I suppose the best thing for you to do is to book a plane ticket to London for around the beginning of April and forget about him that way . ’
22 It was when I was gazing dully at the finger , the heel of my hand resting in an intercostal space , that I felt the faintest flutter from below .
23 ‘ In the fort I saw the finest set of buildings in the world — but no one was caring for them .
24 I derive the greatest satisfaction from the fact that the Government , through the Gracious Speech , are saying that the highest priority will be given to the improvement of public services .
25 I thought the best thing to be , before this went any further , was brisk .
26 Funnily enough , the one I gave the biggest chance to was Heist in the Festival Bumper but he finished second .
27 The erm I think the best way to er start on this er .
28 I think the best way of looking at this is to kind of take an open-ended version of what the Vienna settlement is all about .
29 is part of which I think is just ridiculous and will be a nice well meaning democratic tolerant guy in but considering the history of those two countries I rather doubt it erm and I , I think the best way of securing er the safety of that population is actually to change the border before the borders are are fixed and settled and before these countries actually become independent .
30 I think the best place for Tyrion is attached to a cavalry unit such as the Silver Helms or Dragon Princes .
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