Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 It also times the transfer of its eggs extremely carefully so that most of them hatch in the hosts ' nests at exactly the right time .
2 Instead she was confined for twenty hours a day on a ward for the criminally insane , most of them doped and many of them bruised from the warders ' heavy handling .
3 I peer at the kids ' faces , and feel like a teacher at an end-of-term disco .
4 I fled to the Students ' Union where , within a very few days , I found myself co-opted onto the Students ' Council .
5 I came over the Brownies ' Bridge .
6 For purely practical purposes , I deal with the artists ' money for recording and touring expenses .
7 I looked at the passengers ' faces .
8 Most nights I go to the miners ' welfare or a pub , or a club .
9 In the autumn of 1959 I was eleven , and I went to the girls ' grammar school down the road .
10 Then I went to the carers ' meeting [ at the day centre ] and there was somebody there from CAB and they said ‘ You should have been getting it ages ago ’ .
11 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
12 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
13 I agree with the Childminders ' Association on that .
14 I now come to what I regard as the plaintiffs ' most convincing argument , namely , that paragraph 33 of Buckley J. 's order , combined with the letter dated 23 October 1991 from the Crown Prosecution Service , provides effective protection for the defendants against the criminal consequences of having to disclose incriminating information or documents by virtue of paragraphs 18(a) and ( c ) and 19(a) and ( c ) of the order .
15 I come from a learners ' perspective , a needs ' perspective , and I do n't believe that anybody has a God-given right to make those programmes with all these resources without thinking about it that way .
16 In their analyses of the understanding " displays " of next turns , Cameron and Taylor argue , the conversation analysts fail to follow their own prescriptions , which require them to look to the participants ' analysis displayed in the next turn .
17 What you mean like the boys '
18 She stalked into the teachers ' room and returned with her cane .
19 Everyone buggers off I mean you sit around the parents ' car and you have the lunch with your sort of so
20 Christie sat in the dock yesterday gently nodding as if she agreed with the judges ' decision to increase her sentence by 80 per cent .
21 What do you think of the miners ' strike ? was my first ever searching enquiry .
22 When one caller transgresses this line of demarcation , asking the presenter Dolores what she thinks of a terrorists ' kidnapping , she replies ‘ That would be a little outside the scope of this programme Charlie , there 'll be experts commenting again in the morning to tell you what to think of it , why do n't you talk to me about yourself … ’ ( 80 ) .
23 She moved to the neighbours ' wall and sprayed ‘ fornicator ’ and ‘ debauchee ’ .
24 The Alternative Prospectus , Welfare , Overseas , Mature and Postgraduate Student handbooks are just part of the information service you receive from the Students ' Association before arriving .
25 And what kind of work did you do with the tenants ' association ?
26 I think but continuing down the corridor erm which was all the Education Department , you came to the typists ' room right at the bottom of the corridor on the left
27 When you arrived in the Boys ' School , you quickly learned the rules .
28 She walked past the nurses ' cubicle unchecked .
29 She glanced at the winners ' enclosure .
30 One of her hobbies was anaesthetics , and she subscribed to an anaesthetists ' journal in which she had seen an advertisement for a chemist who outfitted doctors ' waiting-rooms and surgeries .
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