Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Manuals were given to staff and we then had to encourage them to work to these procedures in preparation for our own internal quality audit .
2 Several times while I was at Magdalen he had me to dine at All Souls with its distinguished Fellows .
3 Would you please let me know about all events at which Medau was represented during 1985 ( if you have not already done so ) and I welcome thoughts and suggestions to explore for 1986 .
4 My dearest love , I chatter about all sorts of odd news , when I really only want to tell you that my real self is in your keeping .
5 I mean in both senses of the word .
6 I mean by this attitudes of wonder , reverence and awe , as we contemplate the beauty of the universe and note the fragility of its life-systems .
7 I lived for many years in the north of England .
8 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
9 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
10 Many Frenchmen whom I met on several occasions at the Training Centre at Achnacarry and on the South Coast of England had also gone , either killed or wounded .
11 The Marxist book I reviewed with several others in The Criterion for October 1937 .
12 I soon felt hungry and thirsty , and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river .
13 I did n't entirely freak out , I just dabbled : I dabbled in all sorts of things . ’
14 I stopped at some lights on the East side .
15 While I suffered from these dreams on my slab of rock , something woke me .
16 In the course of work on the Mesozoic rocks of the High Atlas mountains of Morocco , I came across some deposits in the Upper Jurassic near Imouzzer-des-Ida-ou-Tanane which I could only interpret as having resulted from the effect of storms on lagoonal sediments ( plates 4.5 and 4.6 ) .
17 but erm then became , we got round to the erm question of getting the children into similar schools to the ones that they 'd been in and erm I came into this , in fact I came into all sorts of things erm well by accident then I suppose anyway not for any other reason but erm Mr erm who was the Secretary for Education , he had a Personal Assistant a chap named erm erm he was a very likeable chap erm and er a rather ec bit of an eccentric really because erm he 'd been erm , he 'd trained as a doctor and erm he 'd left the course before completing it .
18 Later , I came to more trees with many different fruits .
19 Going down several inches I came upon some links of chain .
20 I conclude with some remarks about various points of view in moral philosophy which bear on the claims of the attitude theory .
21 I 'm sure I speak for most Merseysiders in saying enough is enough .
22 ‘ What would I do without such knights in shining armour ? ’ she asked lightly .
23 - I look towards these preparations for the sun ,
24 The truth is , I look upon both candidates in the same light , and should think myself a traitor to the constitution of my country if I voted for either .
25 That evening I hid among some trees outside the town , and went to sleep .
26 I feel er something of a stranger walking in on the Maastricht reunion er annual dinner er at the er I have to say that erm I er would n't wish to cross swords with the honourable gentleman on the detail of the Maastricht bill but certainly but certainly I 'ave to say that for many people and maybe even some people on this own side who may be prepared to admit it , the false divide between Euro sceptics and Euro fanatics is one that does n't appeal to the new generations of members and I suspect on both sides of the house , we are in our considered view in Europe and we need to make the best of it and treat Europe on its merits rather than re-live the battles of the er late seventies and early eighties .
27 I taught on all makes of machine and have also worked in stores and at exhibitions , selling knitting and sewing machines .
28 How do I fit into these plans of yours ? ’
29 I hear on all sides of the excellence of your establishment . ’
30 And he thought to himself , ‘ I know about such gifts from forest people .
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