Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [verb] [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean Adam 's lucky in that respect , I could n't smoke when I was pregnant , I , it made me feel sick , I could n't stand the smell of it , I had no urge to smoke at all , I went right off smoking , I respect , I was lucky , but I do feel sorry for these people that smoking at present cos it must be ever so hard .
2 I had felt ill for several months .
3 There were not so many of them : five , to be precise , and one of those was Charles , and another her first husband Edgar Lintot , to whom she had remained married for less than a year .
4 The table shows how much you have to pay monthly for each £100 of mortgage repayment you need covered ( second column ) , when it comes into effect ( third column ) and how long it lasts ( final column ) .
5 I 'm not surprised she 's gone short for four years .
6 We had gone prepared for any questions he might ask , together with all the official documents regarding planning permission etc. and a collection of excellent photographic evidence of how we had set up the museum regarding exhibits etc. , taken by our good friend Russell Mulford .
7 We have to feel grateful for this solicitude , and at the same time wish sometimes that this VIP treatment was relaxed , and that we were treated a bit more like ordinary people .
8 Turkey has an excuse for its ignorance : the objects , it says , were looted from tombs where they had lain undisturbed for 2,500 years .
9 They had lain dormant for some years after she had left the cottage , but he knew now they had simply been growing in the warm darkness of his being where love bred …
10 Lack of rainfall means that they have survived intact for hundreds of years , though they are now being threatened by tourists .
11 In the twentieth century increasingly it has become possible for older people who have withdrawn from the labour market to support themselves from resources provided by the state rather than rely on their families ; the same has not been true of the youngest generation .
12 Often they still are , but in recent years it has become common for other senior academics to act as heads of departments , sometimes in rotation .
13 In recent years , it has become common for local political party caucuses to threaten to withdraw endorsement as candidates from Members who voice views unacceptable to them and there seems to be no reason in principle why this should not be treated by the House as a contempt the essence of which , in this respect , is to deny to a Member the freedom to exercise his power as a Member in the manner dictated by his own personal judgment .
14 Too run-down and curiously situated to appeal to most families , it had stood empty for several years before Frankie 's parents made it their home .
15 By 1966 , it had become common for Protestant church leaders to visit the Pope and to voice ecumenical sentiments .
16 He leaned heavily upon her arm , with a shambling lameness which was only half assumed , for he had gone barefoot for three weeks before he reached the refuge from which Iago had conveyed him west to Shrewsbury .
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