Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [verb] she on the " in BNC.

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1 One day , as I tried to serve her on the quiet , two deep meaningful coughs from behind me raised the small hairs on my neck .
2 If you tried to pat her on the shoulder and say ‘ There , there , ’ anything might happen .
3 He agreed to marry her on the understanding that he could bow out if and when something better turned up .
4 He 'd met her on the beach walking with a dog , a wire-haired terrier called Dolly which had come sniffing up to him .
5 He clambered up and intercepted her at the kitchen door , enfolding her and drawing her in to his body so that his warmth flowed through to her , just as he had that day when he 'd found her on the beach , lost and afraid ; like him , a victim of the past .
6 From out of nowhere , Ruth remembered Dick Parker : but not , this time , the pleasure of her union with him , only the pain it had brought her on the Christmas Eve following .
7 He had kissed her on the nose , and they had strolled around their small domain , debating what else they should do to the garden .
8 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
9 That quite compensated for the insult he had offered her on the stairs .
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