Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The data used in the example may look unusual and have indeed been chosen for simplicity , but readers who suppose that these values are exceptionally troublesome are encouraged to experiment with others to confirm the reality of the problem .
2 Now their successes have been tarnished in a report by school inspectors who say that educational standards have fallen and the marking was far too lenient .
3 The trend towards a more nationalistic variety of communism , independent of Moscow and resting on the approach of mass mobilisation advocated by Mao , inspired those Korean communists who felt that this approach could prove valuable for their own party in the future .
4 The discussion which follows in the Report for young people in general is based mainly on a rating which is established by subtracting the number of employers who think that young people are worse than older workers from those who think that they are better on each of these attributes .
5 A notable convert to their point of view was Harrison Salisbury of the New York Times who argued that American withdrawal from the South would not produce a takeover by the North .
6 The use of such tests is a controversial issue , with on the one hand , anti-abortion lobbies arguing that life begins at conception and that therefore all abortion is wrong , through to womens ' groups who believe that such tests should be available to all pregnant women of all ages , so that those who do not wish to take the risk of giving birth to a mentally handicapped child may take the appropriate actions to prevent it .
7 This is a paradoxical fact for those empiricists who think that new theories are derived from the facts in some way , but it is quite comprehensible when it is realized that precise experimentation can only be carried out if one has a precise theory capable of yielding predictions in the form of precise observation statements .
8 Individualists who deny that these claims explain anything at all are , in effect , simply reasserting the hegemony of the interest from which individualism draws its life , while holists are pursuing their own concern with the constraining power of society .
9 Applicants who consider that this exception may apply to them should seek detailed advice by writing to the Registry .
10 Applicants who consider that this exception may apply to them should seek detailed advice by writing to the Registry .
11 Educational dogmatists who insist that middle-class values ( and hence , speech ) must not be foisted on working-class children ; a society which has never had any real commitment to the idea of education as a key to social mobility ; guilt-ridden liberal sentimentality about working-class cultural identity .
12 Their claims were supported on the same day by UK Foreign Office sources who said that Iraqi forces were pursuing a policy of " tremendous inhumanity " .
13 The passage into law has failed fully to satisfy campaigners who argue that proper parity has still not been won for Scots families .
14 So Edward , almost alone among his fellow unfortunates who sailed that particular August , did not go to one of the great English educational establishments , but to a small academy near Dumfries .
15 It is interesting that Cairns saw the pressure for ministers to run for office coming , not from ambitious ministers , but from party activists who thought that certain ministers would make good political leaders .
16 Cus D'Amato , the famed trainer who shaped Tyson 's career , was dismissive of teachers who believe that tall boxers were made to jab and move , relying mostly on their reach and mobility .
17 They were generous country girls who accept that such things happen .
18 Most , perhaps all , functionalists are thorough-going materialists who believe that mental phenomena are genuine physical phenomena seen at a particular level of abstraction .
19 In this respect it is in agreement with those theorists who claim that social psychology should be an historical discipline .
20 But in the mid-1970s things began to look more promising , with the arrival of a young new minister which coincided with movement into the area of young couples who found that older properties were the only type of house they could now afford as a first buy .
21 Now , few can afford to discard the eighties equivalent of disposable fashion , the market stall tat from East End sweat shops , but for those with the readies to spend on real flash ( these are the ones who know that LV means Louis Vuitton as well as Luncheon Voucher ) never has it been more important to make a clear and expensive statement about the level of personal well-being and survival .
22 Women who find that homosexual men make wonderful friends , may be reflecting the fact that the freedom from preoccupation with physical sex leaves the relationship wide open to a full range of shared experiences which should be enjoyed freely between heterosexual men and women too .
23 Students who pass that initial stage will pass on to RAF or RN units for advanced training .
24 Students who discover that free fighting is their forte usually become competition-orientated .
25 They say that social workers who attend seminars and lectures on the subject do not realise that these ideas are being promoted by Christian Fundamentalist extremists who believe that all abuse is demonic in origin .
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