Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [vb base] [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most recent events may be impacts which have yielded craters with bright rays ( section 6.3.5 ) which may be no more than a few tens of Ma old .
2 Normally the natural challenge of adult cattle , yearlings or calves which have acquired immunity to D. viviparus , whether by natural exposure or by vaccination , is not associated with clinical signs .
3 Now the speculators have hit hard times and are desperately trying to off-load the cars which have become millstones around their necks .
4 To enable pupils to identify with situations , beliefs and experiences of people in the past and to increase their awareness of the influences which have shaped attitudes in the past .
5 Alan Bleakley tells of some very fruitful rituals including working with archetypal images which have taken place at various stone circles in Cornwall where individuals were considerably helped by being able to tune in to the spirit of the place .
6 Both involve the identification of a previously existing , now largely defunct , set of moral imperatives which have given way to a new order in which control , particularly of sexual conduct , has diminished .
7 Elegiac recollections are buttressed by the Roberts lithographs , pictures which have become part of a deep and dreamlike sleep through which the Palestinians have passed since 1948 .
8 Developing countries are littered with the rusting remains of unsuccessful projects which have left communities with little choice other than to resume old lifestyles .
9 Members of Darlington Dental Society arranged the session with Conservative Michael Fallon to discuss the funding plans which have caused outcry among dentists .
10 Here we have to work around not only a collection of possessions which have become part of our lives , but also carpets or curtains or wall coverings we feel we ca n't afford to replace .
11 Its contents are classified into chapters on spelling and pronunciation , locative names ( from English , French and other continental languages ) , surnames of relationship , those from native and other personal names , from offices held or occupations followed , compound names and nicknames of all kinds , oaths , colloquial expressions and phrases which have given rise to family names .
12 National Savings Certificates are paying a miserable 7.5 per cent tax free and no one should be holding any certificates which have reached maturity as the rate paid under general extension terms is only 5.1 per cent .
13 ‘ Those countries which have shown anger about it have not even agreed to take any of the 13,000 genuine refugees for whom we are still seeking a home . ’
14 LIBYA reaffirmed its determination yesterday to fight United Nations sanctions and said it would expel diplomats from countries which have taken action against it .
15 The pre-occupations which have dominated debates at Westminster for so long no longer make sense .
16 Partly exempt from these criticisms are Natural Rate Models which have drawn attention to the limitations of existing models , both by emphasising the constraints imposed by production inputs and by emphasising the crucial role of expectations .
17 Views were being sought by 30 July on a proposed change in the 1985 Companies Act to exempt from disclosure in client company accounts payments for non-audit services made to companies which have become associates of an audit firm solely because it has gained voting rights in them in an insolvency appointment .
18 Ayrshire has had a long association with the aeroplane , mainly centred on Prestwick Airport and the companies which have built aircraft on the site .
19 By investigating current wastes ( and the range of wastes from companies which have expressed interest in moving to a clean rural environment ) it is intended to evaluate the type and amounts of wastes likely to arise and to establish the most effective means of dealing with them .
20 Other telecommunications companies which have booked space at HOTECH '91 include : Western Telecom , now part of the Alcatel group ; GPT Sales & Services ; Ascom Telecommunications ; 3C Communications , which is establishing telecom links with an increasing number of other suppliers ' systems ; and Mitel Telecom , which was involved in the refit at The Dorchester , London .
21 This opposition — most vigorous in Britain and the US — to the extension of social rights as an essential feature of democracy will be considered more fully later ( see Chapter 6 ) , together with various countervailing movements which have found expression in the modest proposals of the European Community for a ‘ social charter ’ , and increasingly in the demands of new socialist parties and allied groups in the East European countries for the safeguarding of those important rights which had been established by the former regimes .
22 In addition to issuing accounting standards the ASC have issued Statements of Recommended Practice ( SORPs ) , which are not mandatory , and ‘ franked ’ SORPs which have limited application for specific industry groups .
23 Do you want to go ahead on the lines which have brought prosperity at home ?
24 However , the question for our purpose here is whether they embrace matters which have provoked objections in the past .
25 It is one of four Magnox stations which have suffered problems with the pressure vessels .
26 Funding Silotank has been operating since last year , but was officially opened yesterday at a reception attended by representatives of the organisations which have supplied funding for the venture .
27 First , I pay tribute to the British Red Cross and the many non-governmental organisations which have provided help in Iraq supported by money from the Government .
28 From these beginnings there developed ideas which have become standard in much management training and practice , that members of large organizations have social and psychological needs which may or may not be satisfied at work .
29 Project financing is dominated by large US and European banks which have accumulated expertise in such financing techniques .
30 The list of changes in modern capitalism which have been seen as fundamentally questioning the original Marxist theory are too numerous to mention in detail , so we will confine ourselves to the major changes which have fuelled debate amongst Marxists .
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