Example sentences of "[noun pl] ['s] [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The requirements on schools to publish information about pupils ' aggregated results of national curriculum testing ( see Chapter 5 ) , and the decision in 1983 to publish HMI reports on individual schools , are clearly intended to enable parents to evaluate schools ' performance through a comparison of their academic achievements .
2 Lowell Nicolaus and a team from North Dakota State University injected hens ' eggs with a substance that causes illness and vomiting .
3 He commenced in a rasping voice which scratched his words into his listeners ' minds as a claw might groove butter .
4 Her son had made 10 months ' progress in a year , against his usual six months before he started at Lady Jane Grey .
5 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
6 After concluding the deal through an intermediary , John H. Ross , Collins arranged to have the case transferred from another judge and then sentenced the man to 42 months ' imprisonment despite a recommendation of eight years by the probation officer .
7 Training involves a two-year residential course which leads to the Nursery Nursing Examination Board diploma , followed by nine months ' probation with a family .
8 Nurses living opposite said Roberts shouted to them he had served 10 months ' jail for a burglary he did not commit .
9 In 1928 the opinion of the crews was sought about the enclosing of drivers ' platforms with a vestibule , and in the following year the first car was enclosed .
10 Thus , the protagonists ' encounter with a postman who is too drunk to articulate properly or to deliver his letters , which he keeps dropping in the street , is one of a series of symbolic episodes expressing the generalized breakdown of communication in a country that has lost all sense of social cohesion .
11 Does the Minister recall the vandalism of the former Secretary of State for the Environment , his right hon. Friend the Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) , who , at the very time that the White Paper was issued , turned down the inspectors ' recommendation for a tunnel under Oxleas wood ?
12 Mr Clayton drew the inspectors ' attention to a village in Argyll , Scotland , where power lines ran along the main street .
13 The petition is being organised by Stowmarket Traders ' Association , which is concerned about the effect on traders ' business of a pedestrian priority scheme introduced last August .
14 Today a cross-party delegation of MPs , led by the Labour MP for Leicester East , Keith Vaz , will press the depositors ' case at a meeting with the Chancellor .
15 FEARS of an all-out fish war rose last night after European fisheries ministers refused to bow to catchers ' demands for a ban on imports .
16 By simplifying the projection to a plane triangle , Desargues found that : The pairs of corresponding sides of two triangles ' perspective from a point meet , respectively , in three points that lie on one straight line .
17 The police and officials have succeeded in delineating fans ' territories in a way that the fans themselves could never have done .
18 Sachs compared subjects ' performance with a variety of target sentence positions varying from 0 syllables delay ( for a sentence which had been heard immediately before the recognition test ) to 160 syllables delay ( for a sentence occurring relatively early in the passage ) .
19 DIG a small hole in the ground , fill it with sand and you have fulfilled many designers ' criteria for a child 's garden .
20 The mass media too are concerned essentially with communicating , usually giving information although it may also involve exchange in the form of readers ' letters to a newspaper or phone-in programmes on radio .
21 According to purchasing manager Roger DaForno , this excellent relationship has taken some time to build and there 's no doubt that both organizations ' commitment to a process of continuous improvement has helped immensely .
22 Gary Mercer and Hanley powered over for Leeds , but Aston restored the Eagles ' lead with a penalty .
23 Your Lordships are invited to construe that benevolently in the defendants ' favour as a claim to invoke the privilege against self-incrimination on the ground that the order called upon him to disclose material which might be used in furtherance of criminal proceedings against him .
24 At age eleven I had gone away from my parents ' school to a boarding school in Herefordshire , and remembered crying miserably as my mother and father drove off down the drive , leaving me to be looked after by one of the older boys .
25 If parents ' distaste for a child 's friend is really caused by social and class differences it would usually be unfair of them to interfere .
26 For example , a small boy was seen once by an educational psychologist at his parents ' request on a problem of which hand he should write with .
27 Many daughters , and even sons , who are unmarried , or who have returned to their parents ' home after a marriage breakdown , may find themselves , in process of time , caring for their elderly parents .
28 These parents were initially delighted last year when the local council announced that , in response to parents ' campaigning for a nursery class , all four-year-olds would be offered a school place .
29 The babies born to Welsh and English parents were , in contrast , sometimes placed in cots in their parents ' rooms for a period of two to three months , and then encouraged ( close to the peak age for the sudden infant death syndrome ) to ‘ get used ’ to sleeping alone , where possible in their own rooms .
30 These Regulations , which are now in force , deal with the Charity Commissioners ' appointment of a receiver and manager of a charity 's property and affairs following an inquiry under s 6 of the Charities Act 1960 ( as amended by the Charities Act 1992 ) .
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