Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] the same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is for schools to embrace the same approach for disruptive pupils .
2 This enables organizations to continue the same system with salary increases , titles , superior offices and furnishings , cars , expense allowances , stock options , etc. , which are , after all , only more sophisticated examples of the process which began with the child 's first jellybean .
3 Promotional activity stresses safety , speed and comfort ( by direct comparison with the use of cars to cover the same type of journey ) , and the central location of termini ( compared with the relative isolation of airports ) .
4 I mean if you speak three different languages you could use three different words to put the same sort of thought of a picture dog , chien , hound there 's probably an Italian and a and that but if you speak the languages then different words different codes if you like are for the same idea .
5 Michael Green draws attention to the fact that the Gospels represent an entirely new literary form , which was neither history , nor biography , but a highly selective weaving together of fragments using preaching and teaching ‘ arranged in order to show what sort of person Jesus was , to give the evidence on which the disciples had followed him and had adjudged him the Messiah and Son of God , and by the strongest possible implication , challenge the readers to make the same act of faith in Christ as they themselves had done ’ ( Green 1970:229 , 230 ) .
6 The exposure draft proposes an amendment to SSAP 15 to allow companies to use the same basis of accounting for the tax implications of pensions and other post-retirement benefits as for the obligations themselves .
7 The pertinence of these arguments to Latin American reality was borne out most clearly by the failure of both rural guerrilla warfare ( powerfully symbolised by the death of Che Guevara in Bolivia in 1967 ) and of attempts to apply the same tactics in an urban situation .
8 Very often they expect UK PROs to use the same photographs in their own press campaigns .
9 It enables a team of interviewers to give the same informants in the same predetermined order , and to record their responses in a standardized way .
10 Until those dates , customers below the thresholds are confined to the published tariffs , based on the old legal obligation imposed on the suppliers to offer the same terms to all comers .
11 The aim is that the open services standards should help service providers to deliver the same types of remote services cost-effectively for systems in a network as are available for centralised systems .
12 Each program contains a dialogue offering a wide range of choices affecting , for example , selection with respect to most data items , sort orders , print items per line , print lines per record , paging , number of copies , type of stationery , destination printer , real-time or batch execution , blackness of print image , redirection of printout to a computer file , creation of reference files to allow the same set of selected records to be used by another program , saving and naming selections for future use , local and remote printing , etc .
13 Paragraph three point seven describe in some detail with a figure of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds will become available in nine nineteen ninety three ninety four , when the rules change on the financing of structural maintenance on Principal Road , this sum would be enough to cover the two hundred and thirty thousand pound short that we mentioned previously has to cover the loan charges to sustain the same level of capital programme on schemes not aided by transport supplementary branch in nineteen ninety three four , as is currently being spent in this year .
14 The aim is to enable users to run the same applications on a range of its systems , a similar strategy to that being pursued by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT .
15 How does having their own individual time cause people traveling at different speeds to measure the same speed of light ?
16 Personal selling involves the use of face-to-face exchanges to achieve the same ends of attracting attention and achieving sales .
17 It is not advisable to indulge in elegant variation ; repetition of the same word a dozen times to convey the same meaning in the same paragraph is better than risking ambiguity .
18 In the Soviet manufacturing sector it costs 0.7 million roubles in capital investment to increase production capacity by one million roubles , but it costs four million roubles to achieve the same result in the extractive sector .
19 This month Janet Jackson signed a deal with Virgin Records to make the same amount of music for more than $30m .
20 On the one hand , it was simply the period required for the sun , moon , and planets to attain the same positions in relation to each other as they had at a given time .
21 The relevant contracts will include provisions requiring the private contractors and their employees to adopt the same standards in protecting the privacy of taxpayer information as apply to Revenue employees .
22 Unir says binaries developed using C++ can be run without being recompiled on any processor that supports Conix , enabling developers to distribute the same binary for Sparc , 68000 family and iAPX-86 .
23 Unir says binaries developed using C+@ can be run without being recompiled on any processor that supports Conix , allowing developers to distribute the same binary for Sparc , the 68000 and Intel .
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