Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He opened his eyes to find himself in a dimly-lit tent , seated upon hard muddy grass .
2 Inevitably they led to the totally unnecessary deaths of many pet cats , as jittery owners took emergency steps to protect themselves from the dreaded twentieth-century plague .
3 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
4 Pearson used these years to provide himself with an artistic education , listening to music , reading widely , and growing increasingly responsive to the beauties of the English countryside .
5 The fire had been doused under a great , smoking heap of insects ; the human beings shook themselves like dogs to rid themselves of the sickening creatures , which were showing , for some reason , perhaps because she was wearing a white muslin dress , a particular desire to land on Lucy .
6 For Spender , it makes no sense for reformists to restrict themselves to a small set of targets like generic pronouns and man .
7 ‘ It is odd that they said so many things to identify themselves within a few short sentences . ’
8 In spite of this , innovation by individuals and communities of farmers in Africa will continue , and for the most part will enable rural families to maintain themselves at a reasonable level of nutrition .
9 This paragraph seems to indicate that it may be possible for a person who has received information in confidence which he could have obtained through other sources to relieve himself of the 'special disability " under which he is otherwise placed by going to those sources .
10 He comically dismisses his attempts to project himself into the narrative future and finds that the past is rendered elusive by the distortions of the means he uses to recapture it .
11 Many of the people are obliged to wear wet handkerchiefs to protect themselves from the strong fumes of sulphur . ’
12 After the Restoration he took pains to dissociate himself from the religious radicals , subscribing both to a declaration against the Fifth Monarchist , Thomas Venner [ q.v. ] , in 1661 , and taking the Oxford oath in 1666 , abhorring armed resistance to the king .
13 As noted in Chapter 3 , there is no inherent power for partners to rid themselves of an unwanted colleague short of seeking a dissolution unless their partnership agreement contains express provision .
14 Blocked mobility into consultant grades forced the GPs to organise themselves through the Royal College of General Practitioners .
15 Tying pillows to their heads with towels to protect themselves from the larger falling lumps , they set off .
16 ‘ Businesses appear to be looking at ways to market themselves with an increasing emphasis on mail-shots , public relations and advertising .
17 While it must have been galling for Lear , Gould took pains to ingratiate himself with the young artist , and Lear all too easily complied .
18 Born Jan Ludwig Hoch , the son of a Czech labourer , Robert Maxwell escaped the Nazis to distinguish himself in the British Army .
19 Commentators initially understood that his proposals and the WPE central committee resolution of March 6 which adopted his report excluded a multiparty system , and required opposition groups to merge themselves into the existing single party framework under its new name .
20 During the election , for the first time , he enunciated this as a national vision : in memorable , simple , evocative terms ; as graspable in its clarity as Mrs Thatcher 's , but sufficiently orientated towards ‘ safety nets ’ , ‘ decency ’ , the ‘ citizen 's charter ’ and ‘ effective delivery ’ themes to distance itself from the harsher extremes of Thatcherite social gospel .
21 Many organisations , College included , realise this and organise induction sessions for their new members to familiarise themselves with the basic characteristics of the organisation .
22 She hardly dared to draw the curtains to show herself to the other girls , though she had warned them of the horrid sight in store for them .
23 According to West European diplomats in Managua , President Daniel Ortega is running out of time in his attempts to present himself to the Nicaraguan electorate on February 25 as the ‘ peace maker ’ who ended the contra war .
24 These results may also be seen as offering some tentative support to the contention that the greater flexibility now permitted in fee setting , coupled with the ability of architects to establish themselves in a wider variety of organisational forms and to advertise more freely , has essentially lubricated the market and led to greater efficiency .
25 There was drill to teach the men to extricate themselves from the several hazards that might be encountered , for the dangers of a night drop over woods or water were obvious .
26 The rise of the middle-class was not , on the whole , predicated on an aspiration to join the aristocracy , whose way of life , especially during the Regency , met with a good deal of disapprobation ; but it was determined by the resolute intention of the new men to distance themselves in every possible way from the working-class , out of which so many of them had raised themselves .
27 Readings such as that of Schüssler Fiorenza and Trible may make it easier for Christian women who are feminists to associate themselves with the Christian tradition .
28 But again , she 's making good eye contact , both of them only let their eyes flick down to their notes to remind themselves of the next point they want to make .
29 Raising up the wooden clouds to hide himself from the public gaze , he hurried trembling down the ladder and hid in the dark cart , under his quilt .
30 It 's also a perfect place for students to prepare themselves for the new grade-level Trinity College Of Music Pop Exams , since the Guitar School is the new local exam centre !
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