Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This rational presentation often follows a period of ingratiation through which the subordinate aims to get superiors to like him as a charming but intelligent expert .
2 Attempts to find him by a local Hezbollah cell had failed .
3 Other waste products , such as faeces and urine also break down into ammonia and these levels will build up to where they are harmful to the fish , unless you take steps to lower them via a biological filter .
4 As we shall see in Chapter 8 , the only way to make thermosetting plastics reasonably tough is to incorporate fibres of one kind or another , in other words to use them in a composite material .
5 As it moves , the scorpion relies on information from air passing over its hairs to keep it on a straight course .
6 Tory plans to sell it for a small shopping mall were scuppered when Labour seized control last year .
7 All we want to do is go along and put forward our policies to discuss them in a well-mannered reasoned way .
8 Only three of the 13 Democrats originally pledged to vote for Thomas changed sides in the final Senate vote as a result of Hill 's charges , but 11 others ( eight of them representing Southern states in which they depended heavily on black support ) joined with all but two of the Republicans to confirm him by a slim majority .
9 Olson suggests that these organizations are sometimes artificial creations required by governments to provide them with a representative body they can negotiate with .
10 The village hall is run by an energetic committee who have raised sufficient money over the past few years to convert it from a wooden building to a brick one , and to refurbish the interior .
11 By the end of 1987 the furthest that they had gone was to accept ‘ non-PLO ’ Palestinians to represent them in a Jordanian-Palestinian delegation , but they drew the line at renouncing violence or recognizing Israel 's right to exist .
12 The first such is Microsoft Workgroup Templates : these are bundles of technologies , such as macros and dynamic link libraries which can be bolted onto existing applications to turn them into a specific workgroup ‘ solution ’ .
13 It would take at least another seven or eight years to turn her into a recognizable human being .
14 By then she felt that she had seen enough paintings , churches , marble floors and medieval palaces to last her for a long time .
15 Fortunately , Kathleen Kenyon took pottery a little more seriously than her mentor , and her Jewry Wall report ( 1948 ) is one of the first serious efforts to use it on a large scale to date the main sequences .
16 On the one hand it is evident that the old order is collapsing of its own accord , so any attempt to subvert it would be pointless ; and on the other , none of these authors portrays a main character secure enough in his own moral beliefs to propose them as a new global framework .
17 When opened , relates David Gieve in his bicentenary history of the famous tailors , it disclosed a small life insurance policy and a charming letter in which he said he wished the proceeds of the policy to be applied to settling his final account , and if there was a surplus he would be glad for Gieves to keep it as a modest token of his gratitude for a lifetime 's service .
18 I felt the miserable decline of my happiness as I imagined the girl 's innocence and the futility of her mother 's efforts to save her from a cruel death .
19 Various dangers , such as snakes and scorpions , threatened him , but with the magic of the gods to cure him from a poisoned bite and with marsh dwellers helping to watch over him , Horus grew to manhood and set out to do battle for his rightful inheritance with his uncle , Seth .
20 It took the jury at Nottingham Crown Court less than three hours to convict them after a two-week trial .
21 One minute , Mrs Doyle was found to be going along with arrangements to play it on a nine hole course and , soon after , it was cancelled altogether .
22 Robbie could scarcely believe this was the same man who was at such pains to keep her at a safe distance , until she reflected that in Fen 's eyes Miss Taylor would present no threat to his reserve .
23 ‘ I 've made arrangements to take you to a second-hand shop .
24 Teaching materials usually provide very little in the way of explicit rationale which would enable teachers to modify them in a principled way with reference to the ideas which inform them .
25 Pull up the lining to fit the size of the outer curtain and insert the curtain hooks , first into the lining tape then into the standard tape on the curtains to hang them on a conventional track .
26 Having achieved professional status by means of success in competitive examinations , they are likely to feel a sense of obligation to working-class pupils to equip them in a similar way .
27 But it needs either deep inside knowledge , or real writing skills to take it to a higher plane .
28 The producer , who was himself about to take the reins of the tour as it moved on to the regions of Britain as the Coca Cola Hit Man roadshow with Sinitta , Sonia and others from his stable below Kylie on the bill , said plans to take her to a major stadia like Wembley had been quickly dismissed .
29 He would take frustrating and puzzling journeys on the serpentine British railways to see her for a snatched fraction of a weekend in a provincial rep .
30 History students who appear to be confused about why they are studying the subject do little to encourage others to study it as a full GCSE subject or at an advanced level .
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