Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [noun pl] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
2 A one-mile link from Boathouse Bridge to the East Coast Railway bridge will connect with minor roads to provide routes from the centre of Edinburgh to the lanes of West Lothian and the Forth Road Bridge .
3 The distinction between public and private spheres of existence has been used for centuries to exclude women from the activities through which larger social processes are effected ; it has made of them goods to be protected , the stakes for which wars are fought by men .
4 The British Council , in conjunction with the Publishers Association , has set up a scheme to provide financial assistance enabling Russian publishers wanting to publish translations of UK books to purchase rights from the UK licence holders .
5 Miloš used these funds to buy estates from the Turks , and then he transferred them either into his own hands or into those of his Serbian friends .
6 The government already pays for a unit at the Royal Aircraft Establishment , in Farnborough , that uses powerful computers to analyse signals from the satellites .
7 May I also say that the Department 's concern would be taken more seriously if it did not take over three months to get replies from the Secretary of State to hon. Members who draw his attention to accusations that have been made in relation to what goes on in Castlereagh ?
8 Botanists and horticulturists depended upon the good services of British sea captains to carry plants from the West Indies and North America .
9 The colleges grappled with widespread early retirements of staff in teacher education , permissions to prepare courses from the DES in the case of teacher education , and from the Inspectorate and the Regional Advisory Councils for other courses .
10 Their main concern was that independent arbitration would drag out negotiations and prevent them complying with the MMC proposals to free pubs from the tie by the deadline of November 1992 .
11 The clue to his gardening success in such unpromising terrain can be found at Hidcote in Gloucestershire , for it was a visit there during the 1960s that inspired him to hedge in his land , making a series of compartments to protect plants from the weather .
12 This enabled the Bank to raise the rate when it wished to tighten liquidity in the banking sector and force the banks to recall loans from the discount houses .
13 The European Convention on Transfrontier Television covered programme standards , advertising and sponsorship , and included regulations to protect audiences from the broadcasting of pornography , excessive violence and programmes inciting racial or religious hatred .
14 His help was called for in purely local matters , such as the corporation 's attempts to clear fishgarths from the Ouse , but he also pressed the city 's claims at court , and in 1476 was credited with the preservation of York 's liberties by his great labour to the king .
15 His help was called for in purely local matters , such as the corporation 's attempts to clear fishgarths from the Ouse , but he also pressed the city 's claims at court , and in 1476 was credited with the preservation of York 's liberties by his great labour to the king .
16 In June and October 1905 , there were proposals in other quarters to build tramways from the Crystal Palace to Thornton Heath and from the Crystal Palace along Crystal Palace Parade .
17 The earliest of these postscripts to survive dates from the day after their departure on the first trip ( 12 ) .
18 The threat follows frustration at the lack of success of voluntary agreements to curb abstractions from the rivers .
19 Leaving behind the property wagons , and giving Lucie instructions to collect tributes from the people of Pontydd , he drove the pageant up to the Hall .
20 Over 400 Holybourne residents have signed a petition urging the authorities to take measures to protect villagers from the dangers of speeding traffic along the old London Road .
21 For instance , the DTI is funding Education and Enterprise Advisers who are responsible for " exciting " industry about education and , more specifically , securing Work Experience placements in sufficient numbers to satisfy demands from the schools .
22 There are also joint honours degrees in Economics and Law , in Arabic and Economics and in Philosophy and Economics which allow students to combine courses from the Law and Arts Faculties with economics .
23 The American proposals would embrace holding of elections in north and south Korea through multi-party ballot based on universal suffrage ; each legislature established in consequence would select representatives to meet representatives from the other to form a provisional government for a united Korea ; the provisional government would meet representatives of the four powers to consider on a basis of equality the assistance required by Korea ; the provisional government and the powers would agree on a date by which occupation forces would be withdrawn .
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