Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [noun] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
2 A one-mile link from Boathouse Bridge to the East Coast Railway bridge will connect with minor roads to provide routes from the centre of Edinburgh to the lanes of West Lothian and the Forth Road Bridge .
3 The " Hallelujah lasses " had been used to raising their own voices in protest and employing some fairly dramatic methods to attract attention from the time Catherine Booth took up the cudgels on behalf of women in the early days of the movement .
4 This is partly due to the ability of pulses to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere , which feeds the rest of the mixture , and partly due to the little-understood symbiosis between ‘ companion plants ’ .
5 Other life insurers to draw encouragement from the bid were Britannic , up 27p to 520p , and Refuge Group , 26p higher at 604p .
6 May I also say that the Department 's concern would be taken more seriously if it did not take over three months to get replies from the Secretary of State to hon. Members who draw his attention to accusations that have been made in relation to what goes on in Castlereagh ?
7 They will have to ask permission from the match umpires before they can use their fingers to scratch mud from the surface of the ball .
8 If you have previously run BBCBASIC(Z80) , you can return to it by using the cursor keys to select BASIC from the list of suspended activities in the index .
9 It was not unusual for a direct appeal to be made in a memorial text to casual passers-by , or for visually impressive and even amusing monuments to command attention from the side of a road .
10 Their main concern was that independent arbitration would drag out negotiations and prevent them complying with the MMC proposals to free pubs from the tie by the deadline of November 1992 .
11 The National Rivers Authority bought in dozens of workers to pump sludge from the river and take it by tanker for spreading on nearby fields .
12 At the Conservative Party conference in October 1988 Mrs Thatcher stated : ‘ We have n't worked all these years to free Britain from the paralysis of socialism only to see it creep in through the back door of central control and bureaucracy from Brussels ’ .
13 The clue to his gardening success in such unpromising terrain can be found at Hidcote in Gloucestershire , for it was a visit there during the 1960s that inspired him to hedge in his land , making a series of compartments to protect plants from the weather .
14 This enabled the Bank to raise the rate when it wished to tighten liquidity in the banking sector and force the banks to recall loans from the discount houses .
15 Efforts in earlier years to raise money from the City had proved fruitless .
16 It is rumoured that the project is backed by an international mining consortium and there have been recent reports of attempts to enlist Yanomami from the area for military service .
17 The European Convention on Transfrontier Television covered programme standards , advertising and sponsorship , and included regulations to protect audiences from the broadcasting of pornography , excessive violence and programmes inciting racial or religious hatred .
18 Expenses multiplied under Bell 's efforts to seize control from the society 's members .
19 Then the group 's efforts to raise £750m from the Equity Three share placing looked like foundering .
20 That 's the only difference , because you 'll need these things to get release from the business , because it does take over your mind .
21 Preoccupied with efforts to gain redress from the ministry , however , Bellingham had abandoned his family and moved to London .
22 So , the research worker should know something about the main ways to obtain information from the library .
23 So they 'd been sent down into the rock no doubt still with orders to draw blood from the air .
24 IBM Corp was scheduled to make an ‘ operational announcement ’ on its Adstar storage business in San Jose just after we closed on Friday , but we have to assume that it was not anything sufficiently dramatic that it would move the share price , otherwise the company would have had to announce it on the New York Stock Exchange before the market opened to prevent a false market operating in the shares ; the announcement was to be made by vice-chairman Jack Kuehler , and was also to include some personnel news ; IBM has been studying ways to separate Adstar from the rest of the company , Dow Jones & Co notes , and earlier this year , it hired Morgan Stanley & Co and the Boston Consulting Group to recommend ways to speed up the process , which could involve outside investors or a new class of IBM share — and those advisors were scheduled to be done with the preliminary work by now ; a first step would likely be the creation of Adstar as a wholly-owned subsidiary — it has kept separate books since last year ; but the IBM spokesman said some observers might be surprised by the announcement , which was to be concerned with Adstar 's ‘ operations as an IBM business unit and its future direction . ’
25 Most problems can be cleared by hand , using rubber gloves to lift debris from the bottom of the gulley .
26 The earliest of these postscripts to survive dates from the day after their departure on the first trip ( 12 ) .
27 Geoffrey had a fine company of knights with him at Limoges and had also mustered mercenaries in Brittany with orders to attack Poitou from the north-west .
28 It effectively halted all plans to transport aid from the port , although the EPLF 's aid arm , the Eritrean Relief Association , asked for shipments to be resumed under its control .
29 The resources of the Peasant Bank were expanded , making funds available for peasants to purchase land from the nobility .
30 These punitive Forest Eyres put pressure upon landowners to buy exemption from the Forest law .
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