Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [be] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clients should be advised that requests for advice relating to exemption ( other than in straightforward cases ) should be provided by their legal advisers .
2 With something like 50,000 square feet of bookselling space in the inner city , the retailers must be hoping that Glaswegians will learn to buy in piles .
3 HOW Hearts must be praying that Airdrie do them a favour and finish in the bottom two of the Premier Division this season .
4 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
5 Conversely , arguments may be made that barriers to takeovers should not be reduced , as the threat of takeovers leads to ‘ short-term ’ corporate behaviour .
6 There was also some possibility that exhibitors would be persuaded that audiences could be attracted to watch non-fictional films of an informative and educational nature .
7 Moreover , to compete successfully against Microsoft Corp 's NT , users must be assured that applications will run under one version of Unix just as easily as another .
8 Some stars can be seen that way if the conditions happen to be appropriate , but children will not get very far as astronomers unless their own resources are supplemented by those accumulated by the tradition of astronomy built up over the centuries .
9 When he dropped short outside off stump there would be mutterings that Wilfred was never cut in his entire career ; if he failed to bowl Yorkshire to victory on a wearing pitch , grumblings would be heard that Wardle would have had them out by tea .
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