Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [be] a [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Writing for children in other schools might be a useful way of developing the ability to do this , and certainly many schools have found this " experience-exchange " a very valuable means of increasing children 's motivation to improve both the content and the presentation of their writing .
2 Factual databases can be a useful way of introducing keyword searching .
3 For pupils , the exercise of highlighting keywords or phrases can be a useful way of having pupils think more carefully about the structure and content of what they are writing .
4 Rhetorical questions can be a good way of signalling the DIALOGIC nature of your writing ( i.e. that it is " like a dialogue " ) : they show that you are engaging with your reader , by anticipating her or his responses and questions as you go along .
5 Collaboration between the royal society and family health services authorities would be a sensible way forward in improving dispensing standards .
6 An education spokesperson said that teaching orienteering skills would be a good way for teachers to meet the requirements of the new course .
7 DONs can be a fast way of establishing links between major conurbations , often by means of fibre optics .
8 The utility measure based on user evaluation of documents may be a better way of accommodating the interactive nature of the information-seeking process .
9 Fantastic facts will be a novel way to spend 30 minutes along with host Jonathan Ross , investigative globe trotter Fiona Armstrong and Wilf who once worked as an actor at Merseyside Everyman during Ken Campbell 's reign .
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