Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] him [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For failing to attend the Kirk , John Browne would be reported to the authorities by the Session and the Dragoons would pay him a visit — if they could find him .
2 If the anthropologist enquires in advance about just what is going to happen , his informants will give him a stereotype .
3 In Wyatt v Kreglinger and Fernau [ 1933 ] 1 KB 793 the restraint was contained in a letter dealing with the plaintiff 's retirement rather than in his contract of employment and it effectively said that the defendants would pay him a pension if he refrained from working in the wool trade .
4 Such things would give him the freedom of action he craves .
5 The Americans would give him the key to the US armoury .
6 Even their kisses might give him a disease from which he would die or become horribly spotty .
7 John must have been so angry , I know that now , he 's still angry , John did n't shout at Dad or anything , or throw a tantrum , he just stood there and looked at Dad and realized the other boys would call him a liar and what could he do ? ’
8 ‘ But it 's going to be a different game — bowling on those wickets will teach him a lot .
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