Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] a new [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A more effective United Nations needs a new sort of leader to run it
2 Meanwhile , the American moonshine industry has high hopes for expansion as the " white lightning " produced in back country stills finds a new use in the mixture of 90 percent gasoline and 10 per cent ethanol known as " gasohol " .
3 A further extension of these new developments requires a new approach to the whole issue of erosion and conservation .
4 Finding out about the areas I am flying over instead of treating them as legs and turning points gives a new pleasure to flight .
5 For the design of energy management systems offers a new diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to an ideal form : like the Panopticon , the design of their microelectronic circuitry represents the functioning of control abstracted from any obstacle , resistance or friction and detached from any specific use .
6 Using Prestel , Ceefax and other technological information systems demands a new set of location skills .
7 Reporting development in the child 's meeting of attainment targets and achievements in SATs introduces a new range of jargon that will mystify many parents .
8 Eastman Fine Chemicals brings a new dimension to the worldwide manufacture and marketing of fine chemicals .
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