Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 We are living in a remarkable time , when the conflict of opinions renders a firm foundation of knowledge indispensable …
2 The result is certainly a change of meaning : The cat sat on the moss ; but in this case it is impossible to find a different sentence in which the same substitution of forms produces a parallel change of meaning .
3 In the horse , T. axei has a prepatent period of 25 days while in game birds infected with T. tenuis it is only 10 days .
4 The complex nature of policy provision for many policy arenas involves a large number of actors in local authorities , central government , voluntary , bodies , pressure groups , inter-governmental bodies , local authority associations , professional bodies and so on ( see Hambleton , 1986 ) .
5 It might be argued that violation of the treaty by its parties constitutes a fundamental change of circumstances justifying Protocol States in terminating their commitments .
6 The addition of herbs and spices in many combinations produces a wonderful variety of flavoursome sausages to grace any supper table , but it is really only black pudding , a breakfast sausage made with large pieces of pork back fat and pig 's blood , thickened with a cereal ( usually oatmeal or barley ) , that survives as a similar food to the continental salami or saucissons .
7 Every assignment on schools has a basic target of five thousand pounds all right ?
8 A more effective United Nations needs a new sort of leader to run it
9 Travelling with yaks needs a certain kind of nerve as they can be mean and quarrelsome animals : perhaps that is why Peter Somerville-Large named the two hairy four-foots who allowed him to travel with them through Nepal and Tibet , Mucker and Sod .
10 The latest New Generation catalogue from HSS Hire Shops features a wide range of technically advanced tools for the skilled d-i-yer as well as the tradesman .
11 Subscriptions to the Supporters affords a wide range of benefits including free admission to paying exhibitions at the Tate Gallery Liverpool and the Tate Gallery in London , invitations to exclusive private views , special Supporters events and visits to other galleries .
12 The maintenance of friendships and relationships requires a certain amount of deliberate effort and hard work : they have to be developed and cultivated .
13 According to Lipset and Rokkan , the current pattern of cleavages mobilized by parties reflects a three-stage development of ‘ alliance-opposition structures ’ : the post-Reformation stage , in which the state was allied either to a national church ( as in England ) or to the supranational Roman Catholic church ; a ‘ democratic revolution ’ stage , in which the established church retained much greater secular power in some countries than others ; and the industrial stage , with the division between landed and urban interests .
14 The task was to design wall charts using three species to illustrate the dramatic effect changes in water colour has on the fauna and flora of aquatic environments of ponds and lakes and a river system , to the extent that the presence or absence of particular plants or animals gives a good indication of pollution levels .
15 The dichotomy between rights and privileges provides a clear example of this .
16 Each heartbeat is driven by a regenerative process of calcium-induced calcium release ( CICR ) , when a small influx of calcium through voltage-operated calcium channels triggers an explosive release of stored calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum ( Fig. 2b ) .
17 After all , nearly 300,000 computers in schools suggests a ready base of machines to which low-cost CD-ROM drives could be connected .
18 The exploration of clients ' adaptations provides a good example of this before and after' approach .
19 Federal funding for the arts occupies a tiny part of the national budget , but in the last administration became a cause celèbre when the question of National Endowment for the Arts ' occasional support for provocative and sexually explicit art aroused the fury of conservatives led by Senator Jesse Helms , who whipped up popular support for a move to curb or cut the N.E.A. 's budget .
20 A foreground setting of raw flintstones at Johnson Brothers provides a nostalgic view of two remaining bottle kilns , formerly used in the traditional coal firing process of calcining flints .
21 By keeping in personnel files a clear record of all known episodes of : absenteeism and poor time-keeping. ii .
22 His selection of twenty artists features a strong representation of Italian masters associated with ‘ Arte Povera ’ ( eight ) , with contributions from the United States ( six ) , Britain ( two ) , Belgium ( two ) and Germany ( two ) .
23 The arrangments for and the escorting of the visits involves a considerable amount of time .
24 This is an area where professional advice may be needed , although the Association of Investment Trust Companies produces an excellent range of free guides .
25 Wolf-Tools offers an extensive range of work-heads that can be ‘ snap-locked ’ in one simple movement to any one of several handles .
26 Clearly the identification of blocks represents an important area of work within the counselling process , and when successfully tackled can reveal a wealth of information , and the reason and meaning behind much previously misunderstood behaviour .
27 The material recovered from his settlements displays a keen appreciation of the qualities of different parts of the skeleton and their potential uses .
28 Each of the auxiliaries has a unique piece of notation , as shown in the previous section .
29 The Institute of Directors has a total membership of 33,500 , only 2,600 of them women .
30 The 1991 figure of 585 casualties shows a marked reduction of 65 or 10% compared with the 1990 total of 650 casualties .
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